domingo, 5 de octubre de 2014

How are things attached to each others?

Work in pairs and write a small conversation based on an image you have chosesn as a pair.

55 comentarios:

  1. Hi im fine and you? Hey those sneakers are very cool, how they works?

    1. Haha its nice that you liked them! Do you see the chip attached to them? It controles a sensor on the base of the shoe in order to see if you are walking fast or not!

    2. Thats great. And the speaker that is conected on the top looks
      perfect for listen music and dance.

    3. Yeah! And they come with a special box that when you put them inside it, they get secured with brackets, so only you can use them!

    4. How do they work? listen to music and to dance.

    5. Just check the spélling of control.
      As I said Well done!

  2. Hi edgardo! Can you tell me how the equipment of the house are attachment?

    1. Hi Sofia!! sure, the house has a private cloud that can be downloaded into any phone, only you and the selected owners of the program can control everything in the house, from ilumination, to secutity, also activities like warming a dish on the microwave and washing the clothes if you forgot to turn the machine on manually. It is a great program to have control of everything that happens in your house.

  3. Hi Fiorella, did you see that the images are linked to the letters in the frase, "The Internet of Things"?

    1. Hi Juan Pablo!! Yes, for example the letter "s" is connected to the sustainability, i'm right? do you explain me the letter "t"? i don't understand this meaning

    2. Yes of course, the image linked to the letter T represents the time and all the letters are attached to the bottom.

    3. Oh thank you! has a really nice design and the word "the" is supported by to the "T" is very creative.

    4. It is very creative.
      Well done!

  4. Hey Ariel, what are your thoughts about the Zwave app for controlling your house?

  5. hello people! that app to my smartphone looks awesome, i can control all my house devices, do you know how it works?

  6. Hi Wendy!! I like your tablet, it looks so cool! How it works? And what do you, for see the image in three dimension?

  7. Hi Brayan! How are you? I'm very interested in to know how do the Connected Object Cloud woks. Can you tell me about that?

    1. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

    2. Hi Angie! I'm fine,thanks! I feel great that you are interested in this topic. I explain you: The Connected Object Cloud is a system that allow to connect many devices and subsystems to the internet. This interconnection is very important, already unifies the access to the information and data. It is clear?

    3. Oh yes, it's all clear now, thank you very much for the explanation!

    4. I am interested in learning. This is the correct way to use this expression.
      As I said before. Well done!

  8. Hi Kevin, You know how things are attached by satellites?

    1. Hello Diego,
      They work with antennas that transmit and receive data,
      and antennas at surface receive and transmit data too

    2. That's very interesting as it allows you to connect devices and communication between them, but what kind of data can be sent by this means ?. And how like these spread?

    3. Well, they can send any kind of data codified properly,
      these data is decoded by the receptor antenna and
      codified by the emisor.
      Hope it is clear

  9. Hey, Did you hear that you can connect your cell phone with your TV

    1. Yes, actually I use my smartphone as the control of my TV, but have you ever ran with your smartphone fastened to your body? It is really interesting how with an app you can run and then it store your data of the race that you did. Data like blood presure or cardiac rythm.

    2. Yeah!! That is awesome, I hear about Nike+ on the TV, and saw that you can record your information, about location, pace, distance, laps, and calories burned. With an special sneakers and smartwatch, also download the information in your cell phone with Nike+ App, and everything is attached wirelessly!

    3. We can test the devices with a race! Bring your tracker and your smartphone! Lets see how many calories you burn and compare with mine.

    4. Cool!! i like that, I will go to the next race, and we can attache wirelessly and compere the information, well see you next race!!! Nice to meet you!

    5. Just elliminate the article a before special sneakers.
      As I said before. Well done!

  10. Hi Daniel, how are you?. Can you see the man in the bath? Is he connecting those things via wireless with the control he is holding with his right hand?

    1. Hi, Ariel. How have you been? That's right. Now you can syncrhonize your smartphone with all (or almost all) of the appliances in your house. You can check the temperature of the fridge while being in the bathroom or even outside the house. This is one of many applications that the wireless technology allows us. Do you know how it works?

    2. Sure, Daniel. The appliances have a network adapter incorporated. You have to synchronize the appliance with your smarthphone
      and when it is done, you can monitor it via wireless with the respective synchronized smarthphone. Isn't it nice?

    3. Pretty futuristic, in my opinion. I heard that the way the data is transmitted between the device and the smartphone is through a WIFI network. The phone and the device must be connected to the same network and then, they communicate each other through a safe channel. The security of this channel is a delicate issue due to the problems that can ocassionate the intrusion of another into your WIFI network. He could be messing around your appliances and even break them. That's not something you want.

      Well, It's quite late and I have a test tomorrow. I'll better go to sleep. Bye, Ariel. Good luck in the test this Saturday. You'll need it!

    4. Check this line: that can ocassionated the intrusion. The intention is not clear.

  11. But you did a nice participation. Well done!

  12. Hi Jorge Do you know how many devices can you connect to the Cloud? !!
    You can connect from cellphones to cars and that’s the future of computing
    What do you thing is better, cloud or local storage??

    1. Hi Martin! Well, lets see. In this time i think there isnt any security for the clouds, local storage seems to be more trustable! Also clouds are very expensive, instead of local storage that can be cheaper! What do you think about the security in clouds?

    2. That’s very bad, because hackers stole a lot of passwords and private data and nobody will give you a compensation for the damage and it is worst if a company lost their data. What do you think needs to be improved in cloud security?

  13. Hi Javier. How is the Cellphone attached to that dock and why are there so many colors? I think is for pick up the calls and not to attach the phone to the face, but I want to know what do you think.

  14. Hello kevin ! Have you heard about an app called Z Wave?

    1. Hi David. Yes I have. Actually I have had it for 6 months!

    2. Really? I'm interested in learning a little bit more about it. Could you tell me how does it work?

    3. Sure. Well this app allows you to control all the technological devices and appliances that are housed in your home from your smartphone. The devices are linked by internet with your phone. It's pretty awesome!

    4. So for use this, I need a wi-fi internet connection and my devices needs to have a way to get connected to internet?

    5. I'm a little sad now. The internet service doesn't cover the area where i live. Also, the appliances that are housed in my house are old and i dont think they can be connected to internet.
