sábado, 18 de mayo de 2019

Can/ can't

Go to this link for explanation and practice



Watch the video and do the practices: http://www.autoenglish.org/gr.can.i.htm

Present simple and Present Continuous

Present simple and Present continuous

Practice 2

There is and There are

There is/There are

Practice 1

Practice 2

First conditional

Listen to how it works:
First Conditional

Do these:
Practice 1

Practice 2

Expressions of Quantity

Pay attention to this explanation: Expressions of quantity
Do these practices:

Practice 2

jueves, 2 de mayo de 2019

Gender equity

Lab 4. Gender equity Work on the blog : www.precautionatwork.blogspot.com First name a coordinator of the group to organize this lab. There you will work in groups but you must reach to an agreement has to who will answer the questions from part 1 and part 2. For part 1 To answer you need to go to “Comentar como” and “publicar”. Send the summary of the video to the coordinator of the group so that he or she can write the names of the members of the groups, the topic and the questions and the introduction, development and conclusions or recommendations. The summary must be of at least 300 words. Distribute the task in your group. Go to: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6Rfn94k717U Part 2. To answer you need to go to “Comentar como” and the publicar. Send your answer to the coordinator of the group so that he or she can write the names of the members of the groups, the topic and the questions and answers for the topic assigned. Go to this link on gender equity: http://www.includegender.org/toolbox/exercises/ Work in the same groups you work with for lab 3: Group 1 the first topic, group 2 the second, group 3 the third, group 4 the fourth, group 5 the fifth and group 6 the 6th and group 7th for students who were absent and did not form any group.