martes, 29 de julio de 2014


 This link will take you to the invention of the telescope. Read each part and make a sumary of this invention.

 Choose two or three inventions to write some insights about them.

ICT terms in British and US English

Find 5 examples:Write the words and their definitions.

lunes, 28 de julio de 2014

Past simple shared link

National Branding

Watch this video and be ready to discuss in class the following questions:

Define the term national Brand.

What is it associated with.  Use positive verbs mentioned in the video and explain what does each verb implies?

How does a country brand influence on increasing or strengthen of the country’s economy?


 Now watch these two videos of branding in Peru and Costa Rica to be able to apply the concept of branding from the former video and the implications of the terms used for each country. Explain how each is term is examplefied.

miércoles, 16 de julio de 2014


Watch the video and be able to make your comments.
Use the passive voice to explain three different test they show and which phone proved to be better.

Choose a job Advert and write a letter of application.

Remeber to include the following:
  •  date
  • the inside address
  • the writer´s address
  • the job you are applying for
  • where you saw the advert
  • your experience of working...
  • your personal qualities
  • reference that you can send or attach
  • when you can start

 This letter should be of 120 -150 words.