martes, 29 de julio de 2014


 This link will take you to the invention of the telescope. Read each part and make a sumary of this invention.

 Choose two or three inventions to write some insights about them.

45 comentarios:

  1. I Part:
    The article is about telescopes and how they had been improved since its invention. The first part is about the types of optical telescopes, which are 3:
    a. refracting, in which the light is bent as it passes though the lens.
    b. reflecting, where the light is reflected and focused in front of a mirror.
    c. catadioptric, that focuses light by combining lenses and mirrors.
    Then, it explains how the image is inverted by the telescopes and how the angular size of the objects can be expressed in degrees or radians. Then, definitions such as resolving power (that is when the angular separation can´t be distinguished) and magnification (that is how much power the telescope has) are defined. Also, the organizacion of the mirrors´ topic is described, then they explain that telescopes depends on how the mirrors and the angles are located and calculated.
    At the end, there are three parts that are related with inventions, names od inventors, and how the telescopes have evolved through the years.
    II part:
    Object 1: The microscope
    This object is amazing but it have to be used very carefully. First, the lens should be cleaned and focused correctly. Then, the object that is analized has to be placed under the lens. Also, the person can adjust how big is going to see the object.
    Object 2: cleaning sandals.
    This "shoes" can be used only indoors, because the get dirty very easily. The person use then for cleaning the house and they should be cleaned at least twice a week. First, the sandals are located in the foot. Second, the person walks around the house to clean it. Third, the sandals are cleaned and dried.

    1. ... is about telescope and how it has been improved since its invention.
      ...but it has to be used
      The person uses them for cleaning

  2. I Part:

    The article is about the telescope; types and their utilities.
    The telescope is a system of lenses, mirrors, or both, used to gather light from a distant object and a form an image of it.
    Telescopes are classified according to the element that gathers and the focuses the incoming light in three main types:
    1. The refracting telescope: This has a convex lens.
    2. The reflecting telescope: this type reflects a concave mirror.
    3. Catadioptric system: that focuses light through lenses and mirrors.
    Article also is about the resolution of the telescope, this is the measure of how clear the find the image detail. Furthermore, the laws of diffraction are about create a certain amount of blurring.

    II Part:

    Camera: It is a device used to capture images and photographs. Consist of a closed dark chamber, with an opening at the end so the light goes in the chamber to take the picture. They have a lens located in the camber opening of the camera to control light and focus the image.
    Microscope: It is an instrument that allows viewing objects that are too small to be seen with the naked eye. The most common type and the first to be invented is the optical microscope. It is an optical instrument that has two or more lenses that can provide a magnified image of the objects and that works by refraction.

  3. I part:
    A telescope is a system of lenses, mirrors, or both, used to gather light from a distant object and form an image of it. There are three major types of optical telescopes, classified according to the element that gathers.
    The power of the telescope is given by the eyepiece that use, the telescope needs a good mounting to minimize the vibrations that blur the image, and the motion of the telescope should be precise and smooth.
    II part
    The cleaning sandals
    This pair of sandals are very comfortable and help you to clean your huose without a lot of effort, you only need top ut the sandals, then drop some disinfectant and walk around your house. But be very carefull because it might put slippery.
    The minifan
    The mouth burning are thing of the past thanks to this minifan, use it is very simple, you can pu it in anything that you use to eat, then your meal is being cool before gets to your mouth by the minifan. Forks, spoons, chinesse sticks are a few things where you can use your minifan.

  4. 1. Telescopes:
    The telescopes are instruments that collect the light and are classified in three types depending of the element that gathers and focuses the light:
    1. Refracting telescope: light is refracted and pass through an objective convex lens
    2. Reflecting telescope: light is reflected by a concave mirror
    3. Catadioptric system: focuses light by a combination of lenses and mirrors
    In a terrestrial telescope the real image produced is inverted then an additional lens are used to invert the image again but in an astronomical telescope no lens is added to invert the image.
    2. Microscopes:
    Invented by Zacharias Janssen, microscopes are instruments that amplify the size from an object, to see the details, for example the blood for medical diagnostics.

    3. The light bulb:
    Patented by Thomas Alva Edison in 1880, it is a carbon filament that give red light when a current cross it, but actually that technology is obsolete and is replaced for the new fluorescent or led bulbs.

    1. is a carbon filament that gives when current crosses it.
      ... and it´s replaced

  5. I PART
    The article is about traditional optical telescopes and types of telescopes, they are classified according to the element that gathers and focuses the incoming light. They are the refracting telescope, reflecting telescope and the catadioptric system.
    Also in the article are explaining the images produce by the optical telescopes they talk about the size of the object’s image, the brightness of the image. Then the article mention some telescope’s inventors. And the importance of the mounting telescope and how used the altazimuth mounting. And finally the article mention the evolution of telescopes, the first practical telescopes, innovations were introduced toward the end of the 20th cent. and the largest single-mirror reflecting optical telescope.
    Shoes.:Clean the floor. First put the sandals and then walk around the house.
    Microscope: Use this device to see the larger images. Put an object under the microscope and then look through the lens.

  6. Part 1: Summary.
    The telescope is a system of lenses, mirrors, or both, used to gather light or distant object and form an image of it.There are three types of telescope: the refracting telescope (or refractor), the reflecting telescope (or reflector) and the catadioptric system.The real image produced by telescope is inverted. Some defects are coma, astigmatism, distortion and curvature of field. These defects are easy to eliminate in the reflector than in the reflactor.
    Main configurations of mirrors in a reflector are: Newtonian reflector, Cassegrain system, Gregorian system and Coudé system. The mounting must be massive, in order to minimize mechanical vibration that would blur the image. Actually there are observatories in different places in the world (USA, Chile, Australia and others).
    Part 2:
    Microscope: is an invention very important, because it has allow to discover many virus, bacteria and others microorganisms. Also it allows comprehend diseases, to fight them.
    Circular bicycle: is very funny, but looks very uncomfortable. This has the advantage that tires doesn`t punch.

  7. First Activity
    There´re three kinds of telescope: the refractor; where the light passes through the lens. The reflecting telescope, that is like a mirror. The catadioptric system, which is a combination of lenses and mirrors When you have trouble with an ambiguously object you can used the resolving power.

    Second Activity
    1. The new bicycle
    This invention is for you to go where you want the fast you can. The advantage of this bicycle is its shape, because doesn’t need many space; also the pedals are putted in a position for rest it and don´t get tired so early. Other advantage is that because of the shape it helps to cover you of the sun.
    2. The new sandals
    This kind of shoes were amazing because you can rest your feet while you´re cleaning. An advantage of this sandals are the materials from they were made because it looks like cotton, so you can dry the floor in case of a drink fell and also to clean the dust.

  8. The main topic of this article is about the telescopes, first they give us some interesting details about what we can do with a telescope and why is this thing so important. The telescope is an extremely important object used mainly in science and in labs, it describes three main telescopes:
    1.The refracting: It refracts light from incoming.
    2.The reflector: Light is reflected and making the light going on a concave way so it can reflect on the "focus"
    3.The catadioptric system:

    Activity 2

    1.Why losing your breath while eating? Now with this fork/fan you can cool your food and eating in the perfect temperature.
    2.With this outrageous sandals there's no time to lose, you can clean and do exercise at the same time!! Just put it on and lets begin!

  9. Part I:
    The main subject of the article is telescopes and their features. The first device known as a telescope was invented by Galileo Galilei near 17th century and it was used to observe the other planets and objects in space. Since that moment, telescopes has been through several improvements and changes to achieve a better output image and a better understanding of the universe. The Schmidt camera telescope is an example of these improvements. The article describes three different kinds of telescopes: the refracting telescope, the reflecting telescope and the catadioptric system telescope. Each of these has its unique features, which are the result of the materials used to build them and the properties of the mirrors they used. The image produced by a regular telescope is inverted, so a special set of mirrors is required to "invert the inverted image".

    From watching a simple bird flying in the sky or watching the movement of planets around a star, telescopes have been an important tool in the discovery of our universe and will continue to guide us through the wonders beyond the sky.

    Part II:

    Microscope: It could be said that this device is the opposite of the telescope, or the complement. This because the telescope allows us to see objects that are at greater distances and usually are huge; and the microscope, on the other side, allows us to see objects that are located near but are very small. Through a set of mirrors and a similar technology of the telescope, we can see and study small microorganisms such as bacteria o virus. Thanks to this device we've had huge improvements in fields such as medice, microbiology, pharmacy industry, food industry and even the electronic field, due to the creation of smaller circuits.

    ¿Wheel bike? ¿MonoWheel?: These mean of transport is an innovative and smart way to travel around the city by not doing a great amount of effort, this because of the system that allows the wheel (Which is the vehicle itself) to rotate by the force applied by the user. Warning, the safety of the passenger is not guaranteed.

  10. First part:

    Telescope, as we already know is an instrument mainly built by mirrors and lenses this helps to see at the distance. This invention has been helping to the humanity in many labors, but, mainly at astronomy. There are three different types of telescopes, the refractor, the focus and the catadioptric.
    I liked how the human being has improved and solved to many problems in the telescope for a important usage. There is an interesting fact, and is how telescope has been getting powerful and is helped by different techniques like using mirrors and powerful lights to get a better visualization of bodies.

    Second part:

    1-The fan: it is helpful when you are going to eat something and it is hot, yo don´t spend time blow the food and finally eating it.

    2-Microscope: this instrument is very useful at medical area, as we know, it is helpful to see microorganisms and make the battle against diseases be positive.

  11. Activity 1

    The article talks about telescopes, more specifically about optical telescopes. By exposing the three types of optical telescopes that exist, the article introduce us to the complicated but interesting world of telescopes.
    The properties and the how it works of each type of optical telescope are exposed through the entire article, and are also compared with other kind of telescopes. The article brings some interesting and curious facts related with the operation and manofacturation of telescopes.
    Finally, it ends with an explanation of the evolution of the telescopes through history.

    Activity 2

    Cleanning Sandals: "A clever and funny way to clean your house".
    Some medium size fabric strips are attached to the sole of the sandal and that's it ! You are ready to have fun cleanning your house !

    Noodles Cooler: "Totally useless. It complicates more the eating".
    As you can see in the picture, a mini-fan is attached to the chopsticks (could be a fork instead chopsticks). I don't think that is going to work. The mini-fan could be heavier than the chopsticks itself. Add to this the weight of the noodles ! It's to much weight !

  12. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  13. 1. The telescopes are used to gather light from a distant object and form an image of it. There are three major types of telescopes, classified according to the element that gathers and focuses the incoming light, they are: the refracting telescope or refractor, the reflecting telescope or the reflector and the catadioptric system. The first practical telescopes were refracting telescopes. The refracting telescopes have problems, because the lens can be supported only at its edge, the weight of the lens itself produces unavoidable distortion in the shape.

    2. Microscope: For science, the microscope has been a useful instrument. For example, in labs, the microscope was used to understand many diseases and discover their cure.

    Sandals: You can use these sandals to walk around your home and once clean the floor. It's easy to use, cheap and practical. Warning, don't leave home wearing them, it would be embarrassing.

  14. PART I
    The article talks about telescopes, focusing on the way they work. It says that telescopes are systems of lenses that are used to gather light from a distant object and form an image of it. There are three types of optical telescopes:
    -Refracting telescope
    -Reflecting telescope
    -Catadioptric telescope
    After this, the article explains the way the telescopes work, how do they produce images using lenses and mirrors. Then, it talks about the importance of mounting telescopes in a accurate way. Finally, the article makes a short summary about the evolution of telescopes, beginning with Galileo and the first practical telescopes.
    1.The spaghetti cooler is the new fan that cools down your spaghetti so you won´t have to blow or wait for the pasta to get cold! In order to use it you have to attach it to your chopsticks, press the button and it is ready to go! But you must me carefull. By using it at maximum speed you could get your spaghetti so far from your mouth or in other person`s clothes. Try to don't get it wet or you will have a literally shocking meal.
    2. Tired of serving food to your dog? Is the dog food's smell so annoying? We present you the ADFS (automatic dog food server). This machine is equipped with the best technology from the TEC laboratories! You don’t even have to read the manual, you just have to serve a big amount of food into the food container, plug in machine and its ready to work! How does it work? When your pet gets close to it, the machine scans the dog so it will analyze the weight, age and the hunger of the dog, so it will dispose the exact amount of food the dog requires!

  15. Part I:

    The article is about the telescope first its talks about the 3 types of telescopes that are the refracting, reflecting and catadioptric. The refracting use lens the reflecting use mirrors and the catdioptric use bouts, then talks how they do to turn the image in the right position because it is the opposite and introduce 2 terms that are the resolution and magnification in which bout are important to get a good image from what we want to see, then explain about different systems to arrangement of the mirrors and finally talks about the history, evolution and tips to assembled the telescope.

    Part II

    1-Fan: Put it in your spoon or fork to cool down your food instead of blow before eating makes you enjoy your food every second.

    2-Sandals: Put it in your foot and clean meanwhile you walk so that boring house will be fun and you will enjoy it.

  16. Part 1
    The article talked about telescopes, the different types, the way they work, how they should be mounted and the evolution of the refracting and reflecting telescopes through the years.
    The three types of telescope are: refracting, reflecting and catadioptric.
    The way telescopes work, in general, is by gathering light and then refracting or reflecting it back to the user, the do this by using a set of mirrors and arranging them in one of several different ways, some of them are: Newtonian reflector, Cassegrain system, Gregorian system and the Coudé.
    The most effective way to set a telescope is by using the altazimuth mounting, in which the telescope is align by using two axis, one set in the horizon for horizontal rotation, and the second one is the vertical axis, which is the altitude the telescope can move.
    After this, is all history. Evolution of the two different telescopes through the year, the refracting and reflecting telescopes.

    Part 2
    Microscope: this gadget let's us see things that are in microscopic levels, they function in a similar way to regular telescopes, but the differences are that they are adapted to let us see things that are small because of size and not because of the distance between the observer and the object.

    Inventions and Discoveries illustrated children encyclopedia: This is a really great way to the world of science and knowledge, by teaching them more about the every day items we use and how they were invented, all written in a way they can understand and with drawings included, so that understanding and learning process is more easier for the kids.

  17. I Part
    The text it’s about the telescope, the different types (3 of them), how works any of them and if they use mirrors, lenses or both. We can read about the images produced by the optical telescopes, where we notice the image doesn’t depend from the type of telescope.
    The resolution and the power are two characteristics of the telescopes. Other part in the article it’s about the innovation in different telescopes, like the Schmidt and Maksutov. Another important part form the telescope it’s his mounting, because we need reduce the mechanical vibration and provide the rotation needed.
    Finally we have some information about the evolution of the telescopes, from two types, the refracting and the reflecting telescope.

    II Part
    The food dispenser: this is a new gadget for dispenser the food for the dog, when he is alone in the house so you can program the food dispenser in the hour the dog eats.
    Digital camera: the digital camera is a camera that encodes digital images and videos digitally and stores them for later reproduction. The digital camera was invented by Steven Sasson.

  18. First part
    A telescope is used in general to watch distant objects by gathering their light through several lenses and mirrors. Depending on its purpose it can work in different ways, for example the refracting telescope which bents the light that passes through an objective lens, there is also a reflecting one which get the image of the object by reflecting its light through a concave mirror, finally there is the catadioptric system, it combines both mirrors and lenses to get the light.
    They have some properties like the magnifying power, a telescope with a good magnifying power should be able to distinguish between two objects far away, it also depends on the diameter of the telescope. To improve their resolving power is used an eyepiece or ocular.
    There are many observatories with these telescopes all over the world some give more detailed information than others but all are being used to understand in a better way the universe.
    Second part
    -One wheeled bike:
    This bike is for those people who like to exercise in original ways, to use this you only have to sit, and start pedaling as if it were a conventional bike. By holding it in the handle you´ll feel more stable.
    -Fan for food:
    This is an adaptable fan, you can hold it in forks or even chopsticks, use this and you will never have to worry about hot food any more.

  19. The article talk about telescopes but mainly about traditional optical telescopes. This telescopes consist in a system of lenses, mirrors, or both, used to gather light from a distant object and form an image of it. There are three principal types:
    1. Refracting telescopes: light is bent, or refracted, as it passes through an objective lens.
    2. Reflecting telescope: light is reflected by a concave mirror and brought to a focus in front of the mirror.
    3. Catadioptric system: focuses light by a combination of lenses and mirrors.
    The real image is inverted and then is reinvested. The size of a object's image can be expressed in grades or radians.

    Camera: is a device that has the purpose of taking images of still situations, people, landscapes and events to keep the same visual memories.

    Microscope: is a specially designed instrument to appreciate very very small elements, and obviously are virtually imperceptible to the human eye.

  20. Part I
    The article was based in the telescope. It is an amazing invention develop in diferents age. Describe the composition, types, uses and fuction. The article expose three diferent types of optical telescopes and comparing them. Explain many function of this invention like the resolution and magnify power.
    Also expose the evolution of the telescope is improve through the years.

    Part II

    Microscope: This invention it is very important in the medical area because you can see the different microorganism which compose de blood and there are or there aren't some contaminates.

    Cleanning Sandals: This article is very useful beacuse you can clean the floor and reduce the time to clean the house completly.

  21. personally, I think it is one of the most important invensiones.
    because you can see distant worlds.
    The telescope is an instrument that blows the imagination of scientists and enthusiasts.
    the telescope can develop every day a new theory of the origin of the universe and also refine the above.
    is an important development that reaches every day the instrument

  22. That article is about the telescope. It basically describes the way they work as well as some of their main components. We could identify three different types. Refracting, reflecting and catadioptric. Their complex and sophisticated system of mirrors and lenses explains a little bit of its evolution in order to be one of the most important tool for the space exploration.
    Microscope: if you compare it to the telescope I think you will find a lot similar things, specially all those related to mirrors and lens. It has been very important in health and science.
    Sandals: It's not only the funniest way in order to clean the hose. It's also a great fashion.

  23. The article talks about, what are telescopes, how do they work, and types of it. Basically telescopes are lens or mirrors used to focus ligth on a sigle poin.
    There are three types of telescopes; refracting, reflected and catadioptric.
    Telescopes are mounted with massive presition and precaution to avoid the image blurs
    Telescopes has been evolved since 17th century, nowadays we can count with telescopes a lot more capables tan years ago

    Chinese sticks: very funny and very creative, these sticks could give a easy way to cool down the food, especially noodles, but its seems very heavy to handle

    One wheel bicycle: it seems funny too, but a little dificult to use, it could be dangerous when u are driving it the visión get blocked by the same vehicle

  24. Josue Arrieta Salas,2014008153
    Galileo started the idea of creating a telescope long time ago. Telescopes are used to view objects that are too far away clearly. They gather light from a distant object and make an image of it, according to the manner they gather light they can be classified in different types. They must be mounted very carefully.

    In image #2: The invention of the photo is to cold down the food that you are about to eat. The idea is to attach a fan to your Chinese sticks, so when you grab food, the fan points directly to your food to cold it down with the air it releases.

    In the last image: The invention of the image is to clean down the floor meanwhile you walk. The idea is to attach a mop to your shoes or sandals, so when you walk around your house you are cleaning it at the same time. It is an invention that lazy people will take more advantage of it.

  25. I Part.

    This text treats about the telescopes, that is a invenction that was created by Galileo in 1610. This invention consist in a system of lenses, mirrors or both, used to gather the light from distant objects and more. Also, this writting treats about 3 types of telescopes, like the refracting telescope, reflecting telescope and catadioptric system.
    Then, it's very important to remember other practices that telescopes need, like the good mounting, good lenses, good mirros, and thus, avoid the chromatic aberration and others phenomenon that arise in the old telescopes.

    II Part.
    ESPAGUETIS COOLER: It's a litle machine that let to cool the espagueti. This machine consist in a little cooler that is hanging on a stick.

    WHEEL CYCLER: This invenction is based in the third image, that is a big wheel that include pedals, a seat and a brand, that function like a transport in a city.

  26. Summary
    This article is about telescopes. It explains they are a system of lenses, mirrors, or both, used to gather light from a distant object and form an image of it. There are three major types of optical telescopes: the refracting telescope, the reflecting telescope and the catadioptric system. The first telescope was invented by Galileo at the beginning of the 17th century.

    Image 1
    The food cooler fan
    When your food is too hot to eat, just attach a mini fan to your chopsticks or fork to cool down the food you're about to eat.

    Image 2
    The mop sandals
    They're easy to use, just put them on your feet, walk around the house and you're already cleaning.

  27. Oswaldo Dávila P. 201222296
    I Part - Summary
    A telescope is a system of mirrors, lenses or both. Is used to see a distant object. The first telescopes were produced at the beginning of the 17th cent. They were inspired by Galileo's ideas.
    There are three major types of optical telecopes. The refracting telescope, the reflecting telescope and the catadioptric system telescope.
    It's important to do a good mounting of the telescope as equal in importance to the mirrors and lenses. The mounting must be massive, in order to have a solid base and the image isn't blur because there is no mechanical vibration.
    The motion of the telescope must be precise and smooth. To allow the telescope to be pointed in anu direction in the sky, the mounting must be able to rotate without problems.
    There are many famous telescopes like the Japanese National Large Telescope, at the Mauna Kea Observatories or the Gemini South telescope, at Cerro Pachon,Chile. But the most famous telescope is the . The Hubble Space Telescope.

    II Part.
    1- Microscope
    The microscope is the basic element in any chemistry or biologic laboratorie. It allows the people to see small things and undertand their functionality. But also it need some maintenance like the lens.

    2- Food for your cat or dog. This inventions is really good because if you spend most of your time working out and come to yor home late, well your pets won't be hungry. Their plate will always be full and you don't have to be worried

  28. Summary:
    The telescopes are usually used to see things that are really far of you, but there are three different telescopes to different situation. The refractor telescope the light is refracted while it is passing through the lent, in the reflector the light is reflected and the last type of telescope is catadioptric system, in this telescope the light is focused by a combination of lens.

    Part II:

    Fan: It is a really nice and funny invention because the fan blows wind and your food gets colder. You won’t warm your tongue anymore because the fan will blow for you.

    Sandals: With this sandals you won’t sweep the floor anymore because while you walk, you go cleaning the floor with them. It’s a really good invention to the wife-house because they do less job.

  29. The Telescope is explained by this article, is an astronomy tool very used in the investigations or just to see the stars with friends (or GF). There are three main types of telescopes that depend of the way that they gather and focuses the light. The way that you mount the telescope is very important. The Telescope has evolve since it was invented throught Refracting, reflecting telescopes.

    Chopsticks with fan: It is very curious, and look helpful, specially when you are in a hurry, but some people may think that’s a silly invention.
    Big Wheel cycle: It looks funny, but maybe could be a little bit difficult to start the ride, its different from the monocycles, here basically you’re in the middle of the wheel.

  30. This amazing inventon of the 17th Century, made by Galileo, has been a helpful item because it can help to see better the smallest things (like bacterias and fongus) and the farest ones (like planets, moons and stars).
    This article talks about three mainly telescopes (the reflecting, refracting and catadioptric) and also point out the evolution of the telescope.

    Sandals: With this amazing item you can forget the horrible task of sweeping the floor, with this great sandals you only have to put it on and walk around the house and your house will be clean.

    Bicycle-wheel: This bike is a funny invention, you can make an distance an amazing journey, just jump in, grab some balance and star pedaling.

  31. The telescope has been made for seeing objects in a long distance and also small
    things, using a system of lenses, mirrors, or both. The astronomical telescope
    has been used for searching radio waves and X rays also some types of radiation. Exists different kind of telescopes, depending of the gather and focus, for example: refracting telescope which uses lenses to form an image, reflecting telescope which uses an arrangement of mirrors to form an image and the catadioptric telescope which uses mirrors combined with lenses to form an image, those ones are optical telescopes but are the more commons. The telescopes gets different image depends of the mirrors and lenses, the real image is inverted so have to be inverted again, and the distance of the object depends of the focal length of the image-forming lens or mirror. The resolutions in the telescopes is not perfect, the laws of diffraction make a certain amount of blurring unavoidable, in the case of magnification the telescope is relevant only when an eyepiece, and this is used to magnify the image; the chromatic aberration is the worse problem for the telescopes but also coma, astigmatism, distortion, and curvature of field are commons problems in real telescopes.
    The mirrors in the telescope are order in a variety of schemes, the simplest of these, constitutes the Newtonian reflector, also exist Cassegrain system, the Gregorian system and the Coudé system.
    One of the biggest point is mounting the telescope, in order to minimize mechanical vibration, for the telescope in mountain, the mounting must provide rotation about two perpendicular axes.

    The cleaning sandals
    The best way to clean up the house and also provides comfort, the only thing that you must to do is walking around the house and watch the magic of the sadals.
    The fan for spaghetti
    You don’t need to blow anymore with this fan you only have to wait a little time to cool your spaghetti and enjoy your meal.

  32. Telescope:
    These objects are very useful in Astronomy and Science. There are three types of telescopes: refracting, reflecting and catadioptric. In some of them, the images are inverted by lenses or mirrors and their size are are product of the image forming lens or mirrors and the angle.
    The Schmidt telescope is a system used for wide angle photography in star fields; the Maksutov is very similar in design and purpose.
    Galileo made the first refracting telescope and actually they are larger. The largest is located in an observatory in California. The first reflecting telescope was made by Isaac Newton in 1672; the reflector is also easier to manufacture. Today, the largest reflector is in Japan and has a twin in Chile.

    With these innovative chopsticks you can eat the foot immediately after taken out of the stove, when it tastes more delicious. Also you don't have to concern about if the food is too hot because of the little fan that the chopsticks have incorporated.

    The cleaning sandals are very practical for those who spend a lot of time cleaning their house. You just need to wash the sole on the sandals that works as a cleaning clothe and walk through the house. That is easier than cleaning the floor with your arms or with blooms. The housemaids would be very happy when they get some cleaning sandals.

  33. The Telescope
    Traditionally, is a system of lenses, mirrors, or both used to gather light from a distant object and forma an image of it. There are different types of Optical Telescopes, classified according to the element that gathers and focuses the light, but there are three major types.
    The Refracting Telescope: light is refracted, as it passes through an objective lens.
    The Reflection Telescope: light is reflected by a concave mirror and brought to a focus in front of the mirror.
    The Catadioptric System Telescope: focuses light by a combination of lenses and mirrors.

  34. Summary.
    Topic: The Telescope.
    The article is about the function of the telescope and its diferent types. The telescope is a system of lenses or mirrors used to gather light from different objects. Talking about the optical telescope specifically, there are three types of optical telescopes: refracting, reflecting, and catadioptric telescope. Each type
    depends of the element that gathers and focuses the incoming light. Strangely, the features of the images produced by a telescope are similar to the images on
    mirrors, top and bottom are reversed, same as right and left, that's why a second mirror is used to reverse again the image. Is very important to know about how to
    mount a telescope in the right way, cause every little mistake could make blur the images in the lenses.

    1st Invention: Microscope.
    This invention can make easier the tasks for scientists, it can show them tiny particles that aren't perceivable for the human eye.
    2nd Invention: Cleaninig Sandals.
    This particularly invention can help in the cleaning tasks of our house, specially to remove dirt from the floor. But can cost more effort to clean up this sandals when you end.

  35. Microscope
    The microscope is an instrument that allows to see very small things like cells, crystals, bacteria, fungi, and other things. This equipment was invented in 1590 by Zacharis Jansen. This invention allowed important discoveries like cells. Also is very important in fields like microbiology, biology, biotechnology and medicine. Some disadvantages are that the oldest microscopes are worse than the new ones, and also modern microscopes are very expensive.

  36. Round bike.

    I choose the round bike, because It is a different and excellent means of transport. I think that is a good option because nowadays, people need to find alternative means of transport, for reduce the pollution and save money, Also it is a excellent way to practice exercise and is a very funny object, and everybody, kids and adults, can use. Other advantage is that bike is a economic means of transport.

  37. Mono-Wheel: This means of transport is an innovative and intelligent move to close distances form is like a bicycle so does not require much effort but good balance, is very practical as it moves according to his pace and strength. but I think it needs a lot of practice for cornering and balance

  38. dispensing of pet food:
    In my case I chose the dispensing of pet food because I think it is an innovative invention that helps maintain the health of our canine friends with this invention can ensure that they will have enough food during the day to stay healthy and avoid those times that maybe we forgot to feed properly.

  39. I Part
    This article i about the telescope and the types of optical Telescopes.
    The telescope is a system of lenses and mirrors that are used to see distant objects.
    There are three kinds of telescope:

    1. The reflecting telescope or reflector
    2. The refracting telescope or refractor
    3. The catadioptric system

    II Part
    The microscope: it is an important invention, it was invented by Zacharias Janssen and it has a lot of uses, specialy on the medicine area. Is very useful especially if you need an instrument to amplify the size of an object to see very little datails, if you need that the miscroscope is your best option.
    The sticks with a fan: are you tire to blow your food? here you have the solution, the new sticks with fan. The only thing you need to do is to press a button and all your problem will be solve.

  40. For me the best invention is the spoon, it is a very practical invention and common which every day is used by millions of people, the best of this invention is that the shape of your design, which is so well done that has many years is not changed, for me the best invention of all time
