miércoles, 18 de septiembre de 2019

Discussion about respect G 4

The movie
 Work in pairs.
 Read the description and the introduction to the movie. The click on the link
Watch the movie and answer the questions in pairs. Choose 8 in total.
 Only one student must upload the answers you discussed in pairs.
Description: Cesar Chavez (1927 - 1993) is the United States' best-known Latino-American leader. He is remembered as the head of the United Farm Workers ("UFW") which sought higher pay and better working conditions in an industry that traditionally paid less than a living wage and made its employees work long days outside in the heat or cold, without breaks, without adequate water, and with no toilet facilities. 

However, Cesar Chavez was not a one-dimensional man. In fact, he was a moral pioneer, adopting progressive positions in the second half of the 20th century long before they became popular. He did this by relentlessly extending the ethical principle of "respect" that he first demanded for farmworkers
Introduction to the Movie 
At the beginning of the second half of the 20th century, America and its allies had recently defeated Nazi Germany, Fascist Italy, and Imperial Japan. The U.S. was one of two great superpowers. While it was locked in a Cold War with the Soviet Union, the U.S. had never been more powerful or more preeminent in the world. 

This was a time of great economic expansion in the U.S. Household income increased dramatically from 1940 - 1970 and moderately for the rest of the century. As of 1950, it was clear that the economic hardships of the Great Depression were finally over. 

However, not everyone participated in the new prosperity. Racism, sexism, and homophobia prevented millions from reaching their full potential. In 1950 America was a different place than it is today. Back then, most people accepted the status quo as inevitable and even beneficial. 

  • Racist laws targeting Americans of African descent existed throughout the Southeastern U.S.; racist customs and social conventions were adhered to throughout the country;

  • Other minorities, including Latinos, Americans of Asian descent, and Jews, also suffered from discrimination;

  • There was endemic poverty in many parts of the country, especially in rural areas and particularly among migrant farmworkers;
  • Women in the workforce were paid less than men for the same work, were denied advancement, and were subject to sexual harassment; "a woman's place was in the home;"

  • Gays and lesbians were given harsh treatment and were often subjected to physical violence; most gays and lesbians hid their sexual orientation;

  • Migrant farmworkers (of every race and national origin: white, black, Hispanic, Filipino, Yemeni) toiled in the fields for little pay and in miserable conditions; and

  • Children of migrant farmworkers worked in the fields with their parents for much of the year.
Now go to:

Respect for All: Respect is an important value in Hispanic culture — and Cesar Chavez was all about respect. He realized that the farmworkers could not demand respect from their bosses without giving respect to other disadvantaged groups. He applied the ethical principles of reciprocity taught by all major religions. In the Judeo/Christian religions it is expressed as the Golden Rule: "Do unto others as you would have others do unto you" and "Love they neighbor as thyself." Chavez, as an observant Catholic, applied the ethical principles of the Christian religion in his relations with other groups of people and with other sentient beings. This led him to take his progressive positions on women in the workplace as well as on gay gay rights. 
After Watching the Film 

  • Read the following quote from a speech Cesar Chavez gave in 1984.
I'm not very different from anyone else who has ever tried to accomplish something with his life. My motivation comes from my personal life, from watching what my mother and father went through when I was growing up, from what we experienced as migrant workers in California. That dream, that vision grew from my own experience with racism, with hope, with a desire to be treated fairly, and to see my people treated as human beings and not as chattel. It grew from anger and rage, emotions I felt 40 years ago when people of my color were denied the right to see a movie or eat at a restaurant in many parts of California. It grew from the frustration and humiliation I felt as a boy who couldn't understand how the growers could abuse and exploit farmworkers when there were so many of us and so few of them. (Speech to the Commonwealth Club of San Francisco, November 9, 1984)

Discussion Questions: 
Select questions:

1.   What does respect mean? .
Another way to start this discussion is to ask "Does respect have to be earned or is it a given to all?"
2.   What role does respect play in your family? Do your parents or siblings demand respect?
3.   What does an oppressed group have to do to gain respect? 
 (1) Respect is the underlying ethical basis of all rights movements; and

(2) We can't demand equality for our own people while tolerating discrimination against anyone else. 
4.   When an industry insists that its workers perform exhausting mind-numbing repetitive work for 12 hours a day in the heat and the cold, without providing sanitary facilities and without providing adequate water, what does this show about the attitudes of the employers toward the workers? .

5.   What is the problem with sexism? 

6.   What was the relationship between Cesar Chavez' advocacy for farm workers and his advocacy for [ask each one separately: (1) gay rights; (2) women in the workplace; (3) a plant-based diet and animal rights]. 

7.   We've been speaking of people by classifying them into broad groups such as "women," "gays," "farm workers," "Hispanics." Is there a problem with this, and if so, what is it? 

8.   When Cesar Chavez said, "I became a vegetarian after realizing that animals feel afraid, cold, hungry and unhappy like we do" what ethical priciple was he applying to animals? 
 9.   What is the unifying concept among the various ethical stances of Cesar Chavez? Suggested Response: The ethical principle of respect for all sentient beings.

10.   Before he was murdered in 1968, a national leader wrote a telegram to Cesar Chavez referring to Chavez' efforts to help farm workers. 
Who was this man? Do you agree or disagree with what he wrote? Does this also apply to Cesar Chavez' other causes, gay rights, respect for women in the workplace, prohibition of child labor in the fields, and respect for animals?

Bridges to Reading:

Sal Si Puedes by Peter Matthiessen. 
Links to the Internet:

3 comentarios:

  1. Respect is one of the most important values for the human being living in society, it actually may be the most essential one, and help us to gain empathy with each other, giving importance with our human rights.
    1. About the affirmation thats states that the respect must be earned is simply a matter of perspective, some people say that respect must be given to all, and others say that respect must be earned. About this debate, first, we must define respect. Respect is a positive action shown towards someone who is important or held in high esteem. Based on that definition, we think that respect must be earned because depends of our vision of someone in specific.
    2- The way to show respect will vary depending on the family, culture and traditions. In our families, one way to show respect to parents is to obey their orders, help with household chores, respect arrival times and study and fulfill our duties. Both parents and siblings require respect in our families. With our brothers for example we show respect by accepting their way of being, their tastes, sexual orientation and identity.
    3- There are so many ways to gain respect, in the case of Cesar Chavez he tried with picket lines, employed strikes an also enlisted some people all over the country to boycott table grapes. Some groups such as the LGTBI community, activists, feminists or people discriminated against by race make marches in the streets with signs that cause social controversy and demand their rights.
    4.I think that the bosses of these employees only think of their benefit, regardless of the consequences that their workers could suffer. Thanks to the time in which we live, in most countries, there are entities that control and ensure the labor safety of personnel, having strict rules and fines for companies if they fail to comply with them. In these entities people who suffer from labor exploitation can complain, to try to solve the problem.
    5-The big problem with sexism is the act of assaulting, offending or discriminating against people of the opposite sex. While this occurs mainly from men to women, it also occurs from women to men. The main reasons are, to believe that one sex has more strength than another, more intelligence or to think that one's opinion is about that of the other sex.
    7-In our opinion, yes, there is a problem, because with this classification of people stereotypes arise and we often judge people based on those stereotypes and not by his actions.For example, if someone is a gay person and we classify him/her as that, we could judge this person as a gay person and not as what he/her is, a human being like all of us.
    8-He felt empathy for the animals and their feelings. A value that is admirable, animales must be respected and cared for.
    9-Chavez became the most recognized Latín American civil rights activists, and was strongly promoted by the American trade unión movement, which sought to enroll Hispanic members. His desire to want to unite people is admirable and a great example.
    In conclusion, all of us living in society should respect everybody independently of their thoughts or way of being to achieve a good society.

    1. Braulio Quirós
      Valery Rivera
      Julissa Sanchez
      William Navarro
      Aaron Vado

  2. Dixon Alvarez Méndez 2013023755
    Débora Castillo Menéndez 2019003511
    Mónica Delgado Piedra 2015026041
    Jason Andrés Alvarado Rojas 2014089271
    Angelina González Orozco 2019067077

    Alright, first of all, it´s important to mention that this topic is all about respect and defending human rights, as Cesar did. What he wanted was to help others in disadvantage, in poor conditions, the minorities (Even though the ones that were abused and treated badly were more than the “bad guys”), he wanted to fight for them, to make a change. And that´s what we’re going to discuss by answering these questions. With that said, let’s start.
    1. Now to begin, we need to have something clear, and that something is. It has to be earned of it´s given? In our opinion respect has to be given and earned at the same time. Why? Because you need to show respect to others and by doing that you’re giving the respect they deserve to them. And why is earned? Simply, you need to build your own self-image, you can’t let others disrespect you, if you do, people would see that you don’t care about it, that you don’t defend yourself, so you won’t be earning any respect from others. (Obviously you need to make others respect you and at the same time respect them, don’t go far from the limits of moral values)
    2. Then we have the question: What role does respect plays in your family? It’s hard to answer this question by being a group, but we did some discussion and ended in a conclusion: Every single member of the family must respect the others and to be respected. Of course, parents have more authority over their kids, but that does not mean that they can disrespect them. There always has to be a line of respect between parents and kids, is like “Son, I respect your opinion even though I’m not with it, so you have to respect mine as well” and vice versa.
    3. Now we’re going to another topic, always in the main one of respect. It is: What does an oppressed group have to do to gain respect? Well, this depends a lot on the type of group, but despite that fact they all have something in common on the way of gaining respect: Make noise. What does that mean? It means that to be heard you need to make noise, to make other see that you´re there, to drag their attention. If you’re being, for example, bullied by some bad guys you can’t defend yourself by just letting them hurt you, instead you need to stand up and face those guys, raise your voice and make them see that you deserve respect too. That’s what oppressed groups need to do to gain respect. They need to raise and say: Hey! I’m here too! And that’s managed with manifestations, campaigns, programs… And the most important thing: Union. Together they are stronger, that´s for sure.
    4. Alright, in here we get into a different topic of respect: Work. In the case of this question and situation there’s a lot to say, but the answer is one: The workers see them as objects. Their attitude is like they don’t care about them, that they see their employees as machines and not humans. Machines that have to make some specific task and if they don’t comply with the demands of it, they’re just fired. Is simple, objects. They don’t see that people have to rest, to drink, eat. No, they just see things that make them gain money.
    5. Woman were treated like their potential or work, meant less, and things made by man would be always better than things made by women. This kept (and still does) a lot of women away from achieving their goals.
    6. César applied the golden rule of “do unto others as you would have others do unto you”, so no matter wich group you were part of, gay, lesbian, black, vegetarian, latino, etc, he would insist that everyone should respect everyone, no matter what.
    7. We shouldn’t look into the other people differences from ourselves. We need to look at other people as equal, because we are all humans with the same rights
    8. He thought all living beings, deserved respect, so he wanted animals to be treated as feeling beings like humans. We all deserve respect, no matter if you are an animal, or a human.
