domingo, 27 de marzo de 2016


Work in groups of three: You are part of a committee (only three members)  entitled to preserve the most important items of the planet earth for 2025. The world is going to face a catastrophe next month and you must choose only a list of ten items for the future generation to make a start and to remember about their origins and ancestor. You have to write about these items. Say what they are, what are their functions why do you think they are important.

189 comentarios:

  1. You may practice about the future with will on the following links:

  2. We, Braulio, Laura and Sebastian are going to talk about ten important ítems that it would be important in the future in case of a catastrophe. I think that in that case it would be very important to have food so I propose to save seeds so that people can plant

  3. Medicines are essential for a new beginning, because it is possible that people stay with pain
    after the catastrophe and require general medicines to control their pain quickly.

    1. I think the medicine is very important for our lives. The seeds are very good for the body because they contain a lot of nutrients and important vitamins and fats for the body. Also I think that it’s important to have a source of water available.

  4. ok, we are going to save medicines and seeds, I also think that the knowledge it is extremely impórtant that way people don't have to start from zero so I suggest to keep the most important books on each subject

  5. In the case of food, the best option is canned food because it supports longer and it has more resistance to external factors that may impact.

  6. Laura the canned food aren´t a good idea because we are talking about the year 2025 and the canned food expires in almost five years

    1. Excuse me, Laura. I think another option of food are fruits and vegetables because is only you need a plant or tree to produce those kind of food.

    2. ... because it is the only thing you need

      ... to produce those kinds of food.

  7. It is probable. However after the disaster is necessary to restore agriculture with saved seeds. Canned food can be functional during this process. But Sebastián, you’re right, is a long time to be kept in good condition the food.

    1. It's a long time for the food to be kept in good condition.

  8. the canned food expires, it would be better to keep a book about agriculture in extreme conditions or something like that and a book about extreme survival

  9. Another important thing is a first aid kit because always have to be prepared.

  10. Yes, that it is very important, so we have: seeds, medicine, books on each subject's, first aid kit and a source of water, with the water we could keep a water filter so people could drink everywhere

  11. Well Braulio, that’s true, and thus continue the customs that have longer. However, is difficult that the book resist the catastrophe.

    1. ... it thus contibute to mantain the customs longer. However, it is difficult that the books....

  12. So, the important thing is to be prepared for a possible disaster and stay calm.

  13. The people would have to build things and it is important to have basic tools like a knife, ropes and hammer

  14. Yes, the first aid kit is indispensable. I think a flashlight would be useful, due the conditions it would be optimal and functional, it will be a manually rechargeable flashlight.

  15. Hi Fernando, Jorge and Ignacio, in case of an apocalypse my thoughts for the most important things we must safe are firstly is all the knowledge we gathered until that time in an auto-independent pc, powered by the sun or any naturally electromagnetic common source. So the people who survive will have fresh start remember every mistake (there's a still a possibility they will do it again) and achievement we did. The second thing are all kind of seeds to get back the environment otherwise we will life in closed areas, getting the possibility of get insane. We should get manufacturing machines so we can get a similar precision in some things such as screws, welding so when we get power again construct alternative transportation like bicycles. Also we have to safe medicines, most of music, ways to make houses, water purifier, an encyclopedia of all known languages, bees for pollination of plants and optical resources. Recap, my items are Auto-independent pc, Seeds, manufacturing machines, medicines, most of music, construction techniques, water purifier, encyclopedia of languages, bees.

    1. I think collect all knowledge would be very important and know what to do and what not, well you know what had made progress in different fields of science. Only the PC must have the specifications of use and ensure the operation so that a successful article. Most items I think just the seeds, medicines and construction techniques would be most important, for food, disease prevention and to live is what you need any living being.

    2. ...we wll live , ... presenting the possibility to become insane.

    3. ... is that we must save, first all the knowledge
      ... are all kinds of seeds

  16. I think ideally placed an emergency kit with the most important drugs against possible diseases, as well as an indication of how they were made, the symptom or illness for which they were created and the respective dose, also a focus with system that is loaded with sunlight, to help one in the dark and serve them protection.
    You must also choose a point indicating the current location and location points of the places of greater natural wealth, such as water, minerals, oil, medicinal plants and anything useful article
    Also provide a specification of some plants and edible, medicinal and poisonous fruits, to be found in different parts, helping to distinguish and classify them so as not to risk their lives and can cope in the best way

    1. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.


    2. I think it's a good idea to identify plants and create a map with places with more resources to sustain life

  17. Hi guys, I think in case of catastrophe the articles most important are:
    a computer self-sustaining with all information about history, medicine and communications.
    a manual of how cultivate and all kind of seeds.
    a lighter or something to produce fire.
    a knife, a shovel, a hammer and others work tools.
    planes or instructions of construction.
    all kind of medicines.
    a dictionary of all languages.
    a recipe book.
    planes for a power plant to produce electricity.
    a memory with music, movies and other types of art.
    a bible.
    shoes and clothes.
    a map of the earth with information

    1. True Luis Ignacio, work tools will be very useful, as they will you need to work and turn feed, also the tool to produce fire will be very useful.

    2. ... tyou need to work on things to feed people
      ... asl a tool to produce fire will ve very productive.

  18. Hi classmate. I think they are of great interest their contributions in the event of a catastrophe.

  19. I think that the articles most important are:

    -PC: The Pc would occupy a generator motor electricity as possible support energy.

    - Seeds and manual as planting certain types of crops (Grains, Fruits and vegetables)
    Together i think it would be very useful manual soil types, to identify soil types.

    -Equipment to build houses such as shovel, knife, hammer and others works tools.

    I also find it very important team with which we can find sources of water, such as water or groundwater wells

    1. Jorge the opinion of your articles is good and I seem helpful, just that I do not agree with the engine because it was damaged by moisture and non-use for about 10 years and then not work Pc

    2. I think the most important articles are:
      ... I tghink it will bea very useful...

  20. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  21. Good night! We Elena, Eliane and Hermann, are going to discuss about some of the items that we, as a committee would put in a time capsule if there was a catastrophe. So, I think that, for the next generation to start it's very important that they can grow food. Probably, we can put different kind of seeds. They will use them to survive

  22. I think it's a good idea, but maybe it would be very important to leave them vacuum sealed in order to guarantee they will last for a very long time.

    1. I agree with you both, in that case we could take diferent types of seeds with us, plants which can produce oxygen for us and also some fruits and vegetables seeds to grow food for us too.

    2. I think it will also be a good idea to leave a world map, in order to guide them and help them to orientate themselves. Also a compass would help them a lot.

    3. I agree with Eliane, a compass will help to orientate people and the map will be used as a guide. But also can be the possibility that depending on the type of catastrophe, the world could be a different one, geographically speaking.

    4. I think that Hermann has a good point, but in that case (of another geographical environment) a map could be also used for the history, to see how the world had changed and also to make a register of how the superficial area of the Earth will develop. Also, I think that a history book would help to keep a register of the changes in the Planet Earth.

    5. Yes, that item it's very interesting to keep. We have to remember that it's very important for the next generation to keep in mind about their origins. People will learn a lot about history books, so they would have an advantage for making progress.

    6. History books are also important to show the mistakes that the humanity made in order to start with a tool that helps not to repeat those mistakes and have an idea of what can work in the leading of humanity and what could lead to a war. Also because there are persons in our history that were very remarkable and are worth remembering for lots of generations for example people that invented awesome machines or devices. Thinking about another thing I think a knife would be very useful to star building or searching for food.

    7. That object it's very important, so we can have it as an example. An example of the tools that we have nowadays. A knife is usefull in so many things. In the future, people will use it for the things that we use it now. They will be able to cut food, also it would be helpful for survival purposes.

    8. Yes, the knife could be an importart tool to start over a new society in a different world, technically it would be the same but in very different conditions. The knife could be useful for making clothes for the people because they could use different materials, cut them and give them shape to make some kind of fabric

    9. Do yo think that a watch would be a significant thing to put in the time capsule? Or do you think it won't be helpful at all? Personally, i think that a watch or a clock is one of the best creations of the humankind. People will be able to keep track of time and maybe they would choose to be in the year zero.

    10. Yes Hermann I agree with you, a watch would be something they will need to have, also because we don't know if something will make that days will have no light or just have light, without sunsets it would be hard to know when the new days starts.

    11. Another important thing to leave would be a musical instrument, because music is a gift to our life's and something that has to go on, it helps to calm, amuse and give joy to people.

    12. I really like the idea of having a musical instrument in the list. I think for the humanity to survive a new era it's important to take account the culture, without it the world is an empty place

    13. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

    14. What do you guys think about it? Which instrument would yu choose? It would be very sad if a lot of music gets lost in the catastrophe so I think we should choose one that can gather most of the symphonies that has been written

    15. For sure, music or any kind of art is important because is legacy that has been around for centuries. Preserve culture is definetly one of the most important aspects, in my opinion. We need to make sure that the duture generation enjoy what music is about. It´s about expressing ourselves, so in the future they will use music for that or other purposes. Maybe we can leave a flute. What do you guys think?

    16. I agree about leaving a flute, it sound is very beautiful and it isn't a to hard to play, I'm sure they will enjoy a lot having a flute. I was thinking light is also very important in case of emergencies, I would leave for the survivors some matches or a lighter and some candles, in order to help them to see in the darkness and also because the discover of fire was one of the most famous discoveries that the first men in the world did, it's very important in order to make light, to cook food, because meat and other foods are not very good to eat raw, also because fire would warm them up in case of a very cold weather and also would help them to keep animals away while they build a shelter.

    17. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

    18. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

    19. I agree with Eliane, some matches would help the survivors to do their daily activities, the fire is really important to make a lot of stuff, to cook for example, specially if it is meat. Another good use for the light would be to keep the body warm , I think that's one of the most important things because we don't know the atmosphere condition, so if there are still really cold places after the catastrophe, humans would need to find new ways to keep the warm and survive extreme conditions

    20. Light in form of fire would be important. People will be able to see in the darkness. Also, like you said, Eliane, they could cook their food and warm them up. If people in the past made a lot of progress, I don't think that future people won't.

    21. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

    22. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

    23. Mm maybe we should leave some medice, it could be pills or syrups. I think that because probably in the future, specially after a catastrophe there would be a lot of diseases, from the most common ones, like flu, to really serious problems. Even if the human body gets immune to diseases (maybe for genetics mutations due to the exposure to extreme conditions) it would be prone to get injured in the daily basis. If someone gets a cut, for example, there would be something to treat it with

    24. Yes Elena, I also think that would be a good idea, maybe because of the catastrophe some of the survivors will be injured, and in order to help every survivor it will be necessary to have some medicine to treat them. Also because they can see the composition of the medicine and maybe start looking for some of the ingredients in the nature and start developing or producing more medicine for the future. Humans tend to get sick a lot, even more after a catastrophe, so medicine is something I agree on.

    25. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

    26. I'm not sure if I agree entirely with leaving medicine because how could we know if the ones that we are putting in the capsule are going to work. Also I think that in 2025, the effect of them would no longer exist, because pills have expiration date also. So for that reason I think people won't be able to use them.

    27. For the last item, what if we leave something technologic. I know that in that particular time it won´t be that useful but what I mean, is that we should put in like a cellphone because people will remember or learn a little bit about the lives that we are currently leaving. Also, I think that a piece of technology will motivate the next generation to build themselves from the ground faster. What do you guys think?

    28. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.


    29. Well, don't entirely agree because maybe it would not be a great support because maybe it can be damaged, but in the way of remembering what humans could do and inspiring themselves maybe it would be useful, I think with the cellphone it would be interesting to put a manual showing how to build one.

    30. Yes, it would be nice for the survivors to have an idea of how advanced was the society before the disaster happened. As you say, in some way it could push the people to start researching, studying and practicing for new knowledge so it could be applied in the future to develop a new technological society. For all of it,i think that technology is a good item, but we have to leave a note with that, warning the survivors to used it wisely, otherwise the Planet could get worse than it it's at the time

    31. Well I think we already decided which are going to be the things we want to leave for the survivors of the catastrophe, to sum up we agreed the better items to leave are: seeds, a map, a compass, a history book, a musical instrument, matches, lighter, a watch, a cellphone and a knife. We hope the items we chose are going to help a lot in 2025 to help the survivors start a new life.

  23. leo ramirez----Hi what do you think you need to rescue? I think we need to rescue the cure for the flu!! Because i could help to avoid people get bad and died.

    1. I have a question about rescue the cure for the flu, I think the flu not is the worst sickness in the word, I think you need save the recipes of medicaments, and not the cure, because the next generation of people have the skills to prepare the medicaments.

    2. I agree with you, I think we need to rescue all kinds of medicines, so then somebody that knows about that will produce more and the future doctors will help the people with diseases.

    3. Im agree with you thats a point i didn’t think about it. What else do you think we will need?

    4. ..I thik the flu is not the worst...
      I agrre with you. ... That is a point I didn't think about.

  24. In my opinion, one thing important to the other generations, it’s the documents of the inventions or technology, because they need make again any equipment they need to develop a new civilization.

    1. Of course documents of our vehicles, also how do we do to build buildings and all the avance we have in mechanical instruments ans knowledge to make a base to the future have somewhre to begin discover new knowledge

    2. That is so important, definitely we should save that documents, technology and inventions will help the people to have a better future, and also they will live in an easiest way with documents of vehicles and architecture, we should make that for them.

    3. ...One4 thing that is important for the other generatios are the documents of inventions of technology. ... because they need all the equipment they require to develop a new civilization.

  25. Also we need to some tools as weapon to hunt animals because thats the way we will find food or how to domestic animals and produce food true them.

    1. I agree with the weapons, because it’s very important have defense equipment to hunt animals and defend the civilization of other animals or people.

    2. I don’t think that is so important, people will find the way to feed themselves, but you know what is important? Seeds, they will need trees and nature a lot to begin to preserve the planet.

    3. ... We also wee some tools as weapons to hunt animals...

  26. Hey, and I think that we have to save some photos of nowadays, I know that that maybe it didn’t sounds too important, but in that way they will see how was life in 2015, how the people looked like, how the streets, cars and buildings were, and all of that kind of stuff.

    1. About the photos, I think it’s bad idea, because the world is destroyed, and the photos will return depressive the other people.

    2. -I would take photos of the inventions that we have now a days instead of how its the world because there will be a diferent way to discover everything

    3. But I mean photos before the destruction, but now that you mentioned that photos of the destruction will be interesting for them to check, for history and education.

    4. Leo,I think this photos it’s good, but in the document’s I talk in other comment, I said save the documents and this documents have the photos of the technology

    5. ... I think this photo is good.

  27. Well, I think we can save all the things that we mention before, the cure for flu, medicines, tools, technology stuff, photos and all of that. People of 2025 will thanks us.

  28. Here are 10 items we would save.
    1 Seeds
    2 Books with important information such as the differents areas of science
    3 MP3 or MP4 fulled with all kinds of music and movies
    4 Pictures
    5 Clothing
    6 Technology Gadgets and a guide of how to fabricate them
    7 Weapons for hunting and protection
    8 Video recordings showing our lifestyle
    9 Hygiene Products
    10 The most important, a list of all the mistakes we have done

    Esteban, Fabricio, Ezequiel, Roy, Grupo 4

    1. for exemple, i talk they i put in the capsule time a clothing because i hope the new generation know how dressed the humanity in our time

    2. but in that case you need to put a lot of clothes beacuse if you just put one the future getenaration they will think that we use the same clothes

    3. Books are the most important to me, they have to know everything we knew about medicine, politics, technology, history, biology, anatomy, chemistry, cooking...

    4. but if you need to choose only one book?

    5. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

    6. i prefer choose a lot kind of books, maybe botanic, tecnology and

    7. Food and medicines can not be saved cause those has expiration date.

    8. perhaps a manual on how to fight disease

    9. I can't choose an only one book, there is too much to know about and we can't let go back in time speeking about knowledge.

    10. The problem with food is that it gets bad

    11. The mp3 or mp4 need electricity and if the humanity lost the electric power in the future that make the mp3 useless

    12. the manual it´s a very goog idea because in te future we doesn´t know the diseases appear

    13. i choose seeds beacuse i think the next generation need trees and others plants for to save the world, produce oxygen and fruits

    14. I think we should show the problems we have in this time not to commit the same mistakes

    15. then we can choose a musical instrument, they know that our musical art, I like flute

    16. why they going to need instruments?

    17. because the music can help to calm and save people

    18. mmmm its right in the case to use the music for calm the people

    19. they will need the weapon for protect theyself but they need a manual how to use it.

    20. Yes, because in our time the world is a very dangerous place, imagine how it will be after the disaster

    21. now that we have finished discussing what we will put in the time capsule, now we can only find these articles and pray that future generations do not make the same mistakes as us and have a better future.

    22. you are right Esteban,the most important of this capsula is teach to the new generation
      how to avoid making the same mistakes

    23. I say, they will put in some cothes in the time capsule.
      I prepare to choose a lot of...
      ... that will make the mp3 useless
      ... we don´t know the deseases that will appear.
      ... the next generation needs tree to save the world.
      Why are they going to need instructions?
      ... music to calm people
      ... to protect themselves
      ... is to teach...

  29. Actually, the other day one of my partners pointed out about this topic, in a discussion about Global Overheating. We were talking about the consequences of this phenomenon in the future. One of the main concerns regarding this subject is that the Earth is going to suffer from terrible natural disasters and apocaliptic events. When I read about the topic of this forum I remembered what my friend asked:" What would bring in case of a possible end of the world?"

    1. So guys if the end of the world is tomorrow, which of this items you think we should bring? And why? I already have my options and reasons.

    2. I think one of the things that would take in the event that the world ends would be to bring canned food, I feel it is very important.

    3. Yes! Can food will definetly safe your life. It is not necesary to have a stove or grill to cook it. And it can last for months without problem at all.
      Hey, talking about grills, another very important artefact is a box of matches or a lighter. Fire is essential for this kind of situations.

    4. I also imagine that there will be many types of diseases, therefore should bring medication for flu, stomachache or skin infections. And I think that a small first aid kit is really necessary because they will be a lot of emergencies.

    5. I would bring seeds, fruits that grow really really fast, to have a good harvest so I can eat them. Also the fruits must be nutritious, for example it most have vitamin C because this vitamin is a really good one for defenses

    6. Yeah medicines are very important in that cases , but i think we need a safe place to put all this things together i don´t, like a basement it would be a nice place to go in case that we have a emergency.

    7. Of course, light is a really important thing for survive. I also think that a rope is a really good item and some tools like woodworking or soil tools, because you will have to build you own "house" to stay and sleep for many days, a place were you can skip from the reain and when the sunlight it´s really high you can cover there, that´s why you need woodworking tools to make a kind of den.

    8. well, I get your idea but it will be kinda difficult to carry a basement with your to all places. A tent will be perfect.
      We should bring weapons. Weapons keep dangerous animals away and also they can protect in case that someone goes nuts. You will never know what or who you can cross by during harsh times.

    9. When you think about all the possibilities and different kind of situations, it is very difficult to choose only 10 items and be sure that those ones are going to save your life, so, choose wisely.

    10. ... what would we bring in case of...

  30. Of course those kind of things will happen, and all will be because of us, but in a case that I could bring something with me and my family I think that water will be really important, you can survive a lot of days with it, you can cook if you have the oportunity of, also you can take a mini shower to feel fresh.

    1. Fresh water is possible the most important item. Without water, we are going to be dead in a couple of days. Also, it is the base of every human activity, no water no life, as simple as that.

    2. I want to bring a cat if it is possible. Pets are terrific company and they can help you to go through very difficult times. Cats are intelligent and good hunters, I bet they can help us in case that we need the help a no human buddy.

    3. I don´t think that a cat will be my option, because you will have to feed it, and you have to save the most of the food and water to survive many days. But the good thing with the cats it´s that they can bathe them selves, otherwise we as humans need a lot of hygiene implements to feel confortable and have good health.

    4. And for me the last one but not the least important it´s to bring something that make you happy, like about you hobbie, it can be related with music, with sports, with your profession or you family, something to fell postive and motivated.

    5. I almost forget about music, how clever Evelyn. Thanks. What are we going to go without music or this kind os stress relievers. A videogame will be absolutely cool. However, if we bring a console, we also need to bring is a TV, the games of course and power charges and those kinda of stuff. Or, we can try to find more porable option.

    6. Yes, we need something like musical instruments, because i don´t music relax people, and i think that a guitar it would be a nice thing to take in case like that! It is don´t an important thing to bring but it would be nice.

    7. ... in case we need to help a human being.

  31. Andres: Hi! Melissa and Valeria first of all, thanks for attended our email to have this meeting without been planned.

    We have call you because the committee against worldwide catastrophes had confirmed that the world would face a catastrophe in 2025 so we have to create a time capsule just with 10 items in it, we have to be careful with what we choose, so i would like to hear your opinion and which items you think we should put in it.

  32. Melissa: Good evening! Thank you so much for the invitation for this meeting. First of all, I would like to divide the ten items that we are going to put on issues . For example , on the subject of history , it would be necessary at least one book that tells the causes of the catastrophe and how we used to live before the catastrophe, so that new generations , if any, make better decisions.

    1. Hello! thanks for the invitation. I think we should put photographs about this civilization because It is the evidence of our existence and this pictures explain the history and achievements of our generation.

    2. Andres: I'm agree with melissa, but maybe we can add also about human history, so they also know how ancient civilization used to live. What do you think?

    3. Andres: And I also think that art is an excellent way to show another perspective about human history, because usually artists create art from an interpretation of what surround them, it would be difficult to choose one specific art piece that summarizes art history, so i think it's better to put a book of art history.

    4. Melissa: I think it is a great idea to put books about human and art history, and also a bible, religious history and values that we have achieved. We could create a book that compile the history , art , religion , values, etc and ​​put it in the capsule to provide that information for future generations and let them know how we thought about the world.

    5. I´m agree with Melissa. I also think the medicine is very important because saves lives and after the catastrophe it's probably the people need medicaments for differents pains. I also think is important create a book with the most important achievements about the medicine because this is the base for the medicine of the new generation.

    6. Melissa: I think that medicine is really important too. And also some matches and seeds.

    7. Andres: Maybe it would be important also to put like a sport record or some videos of different sports, I personally thinks sports shows the ability of human to create entertainment and also sports like surf, snowboard show how human can dominate a nature force for their own purpose.

    8. That is a good idea. I think new generations will like to discover how we used to exercise.

    9. Melissa: Also, I would put a first aid kit and a knife. I think it will be really useful in case of injuries and the knife to cut, make weapons and other uses.

    10. I think we should put a cellphone with the video, because in the actually is the best form to transmit a message, in this message we talk about this world before the catastrophe.

    11. Melissa: We should put a musical instrument. It will represent a big part of our culture and how we express ourselves through music.

    12. I think the musical is very important too. I also think we should put seeds because after the catastrophe the survivors need food and seeds are the solution because provide different fruits and vegetables.

    13. Melissa: Yes,I agree with you. The video in the cellphone will be the best way to help them know how we used to live. And seeds are really important for survival.
      I think the new generation, after the catastrophe, will know everything they have to about us with the things we mentioned in this meeting.

    14. ... explains the..
      ... because it saves the life of ...
      I agrre with...
      .... because nowaday it is the best form...

  33. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  34. I think would be good to add images on the culture, architecture, flora and fauna that presents our country, so that new generations know the global impact over time.

    1. Hi Diego and Andres
      I also agree with your opinion, I also believe that it would be important to add photos of technological artifacts of this time as I would like in the future, people watch as the world has advanced in the technological environment.

    2. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

    3. hi guys, i' agree with you that 's a very good idea, with that we would help to stop the global warming

    4. Hello Andres! Sure is an excellent idea. Furthermore, if we add the images it is a small reminder of the country's culture. I also love to add to the time capsule seeds so that people know and can prove our crops in case of extinction of some plant food.

    5. Hi Bryan and Andres!

      I agree with Bryan in the sense of adding gizmos by technological globalization we are living, I also love to add to the capsule a newspaper with national news, so that in the future know about the issues and the lives of people this time.

    6. I think we can't forget the culture, we can add some music from our time. People from future should listen our very best hits.

    7. Andres would be excellent, but with the technology currently present think not find music of our time in the future be a problem, so if it would be interesting to add cassettes and discs currently no longer widely used.

    8. Yes, I agree, we could also add pictures of some clothes now, so that future people watch as fashions change and as are retaken.

    9. Yes Bryan, but would be better to add clothing indigenous cultures of our country, because in the future we can not ensure that the customs of the indigenous areas and their aboriginal exist. I think this would be a better idea.

    10. I get what you are saying, but we can't really know what will happen in the future. Maybe that kind of information will not be available as it is right now (maybe a major change in the availability of the internet access or a government ban on some kind of messages in songs... Who knows?). That's why I consider as a really important matter to include music from different genres, regions and time periods, as a tribute to the time of ideological freedom we live on.

    11. You're absolutely Andrés reason, but I think how you growing technology currently has a cause that gets people removed from their lives the internet, because today is the most used tool and contains infinite information of our lives . I do not feel that there is a need to add that kind of music, so I recommend adding aboriginal music cassettes, because there is not much indigenous music of our country at this time digitized.

    12. Yeah, I think all those things are very important for them to know our cultures and to not lose, well, Diego and Andres leave you, see you soon.

    13. ... sure it´s an excellent idea...

  35. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  36. Hello, our names are Roger Morales and Miguel Gamboa, we live in Cartago,Costa Rica. The year is 2016 and we are burying this time capsule for the people of the next 1000 years, because we want to show them our culture and other things of the currently.

    We are including cultural and tecnological items like a Costa Rica's flag, an history book and the tradicional music of Costa Rica in a CD. Also we include a Nokia cellphone, an old Diskette and information about the society, tecnology and Science of the last years.

    The world today faces the problem of the global warming, a lot of wars and probably the life will be extinct.
    The capsule, should be opened in the year 3016.

    We hope that future civilizations can take the information and objects of the capsule and enjoy them.


  37. Do not open until 3016
    Hi People of the Future
    We are Elena Esquivel and Carolina Fallas, we live in Cartago, Costa Rica. We decide to bury this time capsule in the year 2016 as a reminder of the most important things of our lifes and how people used to live in this century.
    We hope that the Earth keep being our home, but won´t be so contaminated. We wish that the life reborn and senseless wars don´t exist nevermore. Fight for that and for your ideals.
    We included a bible, guide to faith and life; a MP3 with music and headphones as a representation of entertainment and culture; a cellphone that show evolution of intelligent object; a clock that represent technology. We also included the history of democracy and a political map as a representation of laws and goverments; photos of different families to show every culture; clothes because we are the only species in the Universe that uses it; a Multilanguage dictionary and a book with short stories in multiple languages and scripts.

    1. ... a cellphone that shows... a clock that represents technology.

      Well done!

  38. Hi. My name is Allan Calderon, I live in San Juan Sur, located in Corralillo, Cartago .
    We are in 2016, and decided to bury this time capsule, so that in the future may be found by people of that era, and they can learn our customs and traditions, our way of life, apparatus and instruments we use daily, and so they can see how they have changed over the years and thus appreciate their instruments.
    We decided to bury a CD with some music of different genes of our age, so you can appreciate our music, and a DVD in which you have to insert the CD, if at the time the technology has advanced and are not used. In addition, we buried a modern cell, to know our devices, which may seem primitive and useless to them but are now the latest technology.
    In the capsule, there are some newspapers today to know with working different areas of our culture, as politics. In addition, there in the capsule to know our language dictionary. Maybe for you some words are different because words change over time.
    In our day, we have an energy deficit since many of our energy sources are not sustainable, such as fossil fuels we use, and also pollute the environment.
    We hope for their time and these problems have been solved and that the company get its energy from renewable and clean sources.
    We hope that this time capsule is opened in a thousand years, around the year 3000, or after that time.

  39. Our names are Ever and Tomás, we study in Cartago's Scientific High School, we
    live in Cartago. The year is 2016 and we're burying this capsule because we want
    to show you how is our life nowadays. We are including:
    Samsung Galaxy S7 Edge (cellphone).
    Play Station 4 (game console).
    Concherías (book).
    Dichos y refranes de los ticos (book).
    We are including this group of objects because we think that it is a good
    representation of current life. The world today faces problems of ISIS's terrorist
    attacks and many people infected by Zika virus.
    The capsule should be opened in the year 3016.

  40. Hello future. Our names are Carlos and Greivin, we live in Cartago Costa Rica.
    The year is 2016 and we’re burying this capsule because we found very entertaining to do this type of project and show the world the future as were our times.
    We are including many items which we found very important in these years and you also could use them and judging from.
    One of the objects we leave them in the capsule are a cell, a computer, books like frankenstein and history books for the people knows about all our costumes and traditions.

    We included too the type of music that we listen like rock and pop, and we put on the capsule some items of the home life that we use all days like spoons and pencils because it´s that we use for eat our food and for write all the things that we need to remember.
    The world today faces the problem of the global warming, which is the most alarming problem nowadays, and there are conflicts between some countries because there are many times that the countries don´t think the same things and they have different opinions about the same thing.
    The time capsule should be opened in the year 3016 and we wait that in the future the world will be better and a good place for stay.

    1. ... because we found it very entertaining... and to show the world the future as it is in our times.
      ... you also could use them. (elliminate the rest: judging from).
      ... for heating our food and for writing...
      We also include, the type of music that we listen to, like rock,...
      ... for eaating our food and for writing...
      ... to stay living on.

  41. I name is Daniel Navarro and I live in Cartago, Costa Rica.
    The year is 2016 and I am burying this capsule because the world is going to face a war catastrophe next month and I choose a list of items for the future generation to make a start and to remember about yours origins and ancestor.

    I am including ítems which are important in our culture.
    I am including CD´s of music, cellphones, computer, newspapers and dictionaries because these objects marked our culture and society.

    The capsule should be opened in the year 3016, so please do not let our culture die.

  42. Hello dear inhabitants of the future, we are María Paula and Brandon and we live in Costa Rica. This year we had the initiative to create a text that the people remember important things about what happens now in 2016. We're burying this capsule because we want a better future for you and all aspects of your life. We create a list with something items that we believe serve for the survival of world future.
    We include music that promotes adrenaline to run and do anything, books for give enough information to survive in a hostile world, if there would be important to have one and cell having a radio to stay informed, a flag to be recognized and if there is something very typical of the country, a clock forever settle at the day and too much food it does not get bad with the time and two dictionaries with the most important languages to communicate with others we think those things help survive a difficult world now because environmental problems have increased further large scale disagreements many countries can lead to future wars. This capsule should be opened in the year 3016 where it is expected that the world is hard to live and serve these things for it.
    We wish them a prosperous future and live the best possible.

  43. ...We create a list with some items that we...
    ... food that does not get spoil

  44. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  45. We are the catastrophe committee(Carlo and Jose), we make a time capsule with the most important items that you must use to survive in 2025, the items are:
    1.10 Bottles of water, because you can to drink water for survive.
    2.Canned food because this type of food resist more time.
    3.Soccer ball for the future kids.
    4.Clothes for the survivors.
    5.Some pictures of the most incredible geniuses of this time, because the next generation must learn about the cience and technology.
    6.Gun, because you can to defense before the catastrophe.

  46. Hi people of the future, we want to show you our culture in 2017
    We are Mayling and Josué, and we have done a list with 10 items that you in the future will need to survive after the nuclear catastrophe.
    1- Books: In these you can find tips about how to survive In the future, like how to cook.
    Also you can see how we lived in the past.
    2- Seeds of fruits and vegetables: With these you can plant so many kinds of fruits and vegetables.
    3- Food: With the fruits and vegetables and the books of the points before, you can do delicious food (following the corrects steps)
    4- Guns: to kill the radioactive animals
    5- Clothes: If you need a new outfit, this can be your lucky day
    6- water: probably the water in the future wll be contamined.
    7- Music: we will put into the capsule some CD'S with the best music and hits of the century 20 and 21.
    8- Walkie – talkie: To communicate , because the cellphones won't be unusable.
    9-Medicine: If you need to heal an injury, here you can find things like injection, pills.
    10- Chocolate: the people in the future will need some sugar in their lives.
    We hope these things can help you to survive after the catastrophe.

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  48. Our names are Samuel and Daniela, we live in Costa Rica.
    The year is 2018 and we´re burying this capsule because we want future generations to know about our era.
    We are including home life items: a padlock, a clock, a telephone, a light bulb, a notebook. And culture items: a newspaper, don Quijote book, a MP3 with the fashionable songs, a blu ray disc with a famous movie and an iPhone. We select these objects because we believe that some of them represent the current culture and the others are found in most of the houses.
    The world today faces the problems of the contamination,epidemics and political confrontations.
    The capsule should be opened in the year 2088.

  49. -Joel and José Manuel
    -Technology and home life

    1. Telephone
    2. Radio
    3. Batteries
    4. Video recorder
    5. Camera
    6. Books
    7. Ball
    8. Pencils
    9. Paper clip
    10. Coins of the time
