jueves, 21 de marzo de 2013

How well can you identify danger?

Identify some danger and comment on the way the problem has been solved.


8 comentarios:

  1. Group #1: First off all it was really
    tough to hear the man on the video we dont
    understand anything. But we can see it and our
    opinion about the video is the next.
    Its very important to protect ourselfs in the workplace
    taking some recommendations of the video
    we can highlight two:
    -Remove pallet blocking aisle and door
    - Stop drip and mop up water
    This are recommendations to prevent any accident in the workplace
    and we must take into account three things to know about protecting ourself:
    - know the hazards
    - Protect ourself
    - Know how to react
    In conclusion our life is before anything so we have to protect
    ourself of any accident to prevenge injuries

  2. -Clean the water from the floor to prevent a work accident.
    -Use goggles and gloves at all times to prevent accidents with dangerous machinery.
    -Excessive weight may cause injury, be award of using back protection and if the object is to heavy ask for help.

  3. group #4
    We think that is important to follow the suggetions that were given in the video such as:
    -know the hazards
    -protect yourself
    -know how to react in a accident
    -help the people who didnt follow the suggetions.

  4. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  5. Group A:
    The video shows tipical mistakes
    made by the workers in their workplace.
    A person explain how to avoid the danger and
    things that we should know when we are working
    For example: use helmet, gloves, glasses...

  6. Group B

    It's a good video about the precautions in the work , if you work in a manufacturer company is so essential to know the good practices of security and self protection .
    In the video we see the uses of glasses in example and the cleaning rules .

  7. Group E
    It's important to protect you life while you are working, the video shows some precautions that we need to follow in your daily activities and in your work place. Preventing accidents could be also a good precaution for example, clean liquids of the floor, use glasses and gloves when you're working with machinery or even with chemiclas. But we have to know how to react if a accident happen.

  8. Group C
    Generally builders and industry workers have to wear special cloth to protect them from hazard, for example the lenses, gloves, helmet and some other important clothes. Also they have to be careful with the climate because bad weather may cause work troubles or can increase work risk, as well as when people is cleaning the floor or anywhere else.
