miércoles, 21 de agosto de 2019

Really / chat show

TV Shows

Click on this link and watch the types of shows. Then choose one from ones listed at each entrance with two shows and form a group of four to discuss the answers to the questions below. Name a coordinator who will be the only person entitled to write the answers as the rest of the members express their opinion.

Why do you like this show?
When do you normally watch this show?
Would you like to be on this type of show?
 Is there violence on this show? what would you do to reduce violence on this show?
 How can you compare and contrast both shows?
What are some of the advantages of watching this show?
What are some of the disadvantages?
How would you boost the rating of this show?
Finally: prepare a TV show that lasts 10 minutes for next week.
Make sure to have everyone participate.

Good lucK!!!

2 comentarios:

  1. Jason Alvarado Rojas
    Mónica Delgado Piedra
    Débora Castillo Menéndez
    Angelina Ganzález Orozco

    #1. Cartoons are part of our childhood, and quiz shows are family friendly and entertaining sometimes

    #2. When we were kids we used to watch cartoons, nowadays we dont watch that much t.v. Quiz shows arent that good in our country so no one watches them

    #3.Be on a cartoon may be fun, but being in a quiz show can be embarrassing but you may win a prize sometimes

    #4.There are cartoons like south park, family guy, happy tree friends and american dad are very violent cartoons, but not all cartoons are violent, while quiz shows are more family friendly. Parental control is important to avoid kids watching violent cartoons

    #5.Completely differet type of shows. One is an animated tv show and can be about fantasy or surreal stories, and the quiz show is with real people and about winning prizes.

    #6.Cartoons are entertaining, and you can learn some things in quiz shows

    #7.Cartoons can sometimes distract or not be apropiate for children, and quiz shows can be fake, like quiz shows where you have to call to participate and you get charged for your call.

    #8.In cartoons they dont need much boosting, only entertaining stories, and in quiz shows, adding famous hosts or having famous people invited to the show
