miércoles, 26 de abril de 2017


Here you can start your conversation on commuting

Here are some links that will give you some tips on commuting

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  1. Hello! Welcome everybody, today we will have a discussion about commuting, we will discuss: What is better for commute, the bus or the bicycle? For that, we will have the presence of Master Fabian, who is TEC’s Principal, and he is going to write about the bicycle. On the other hand we have Master Rasheed who is the UCR´s Principal and he is going to write about the bus. Let’s start, Fabian what do you think?

    1. Hello guys, well like Randall said I think that bicycle is the best method to commute, and this is because it is very good to the health because while you move to other side you do exercise at the time, and one of the most important reason is because the bicycle is totally non polluting because it don’t use any combustible.

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  2. Respuestas
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    2. I think that public transportation in busses and trains is the best way to commute, mostly because of the good environmental impact that it carries by reducing the use of fossil fuels, also because of the jam decreasing and easier ways to transport that it provides.

  3. That’s good Rasheed, Fabian, why are you disagree with the public transportation, specifically the bus?

    1. Well, The public transport is a good method to commute, but it is very stressful because it is very full of peoples and sometimes you have to wait a lot of time while the bus pass. And finally I disagree because in the bus you have to go with all the traffic and sometimes the streets are very crowed and you arrive late to your destination.


  4. And you Rasheed, why are you disagree with the bicycle?

    1. I disagree with the bicycle use because it is not as easier and practical as just taking a bus. The people has to be more careful and follow more rules that normally they don’t follow and also there is more probability of having accidents and mishaps.

  5. Finally, for both, why is your mean of transportation better than the car, that it is the most common mean of transportation?

    1. Because the car is overused and the most the people use it, the most the streets gets crowded. It is a problem that has being evolving and makes some parts of the college completely intransitable. So many cars make a bad impact in the environment. The lack of parks makes the use of the car difficult, also it is more expensive and contributes with the jam disorder.

    2. Well I think that the bicycle is better because you don’t have to lose a lot of time in the traffic jams that is a stressful situation, the bicycle don’t contaminate the city and you do a lot of exercise and it is very healthful.

  6. Ok that’s good, in conclusion we have that, if you want to reduce the pollution, the stress, get healthier and also avoid the traffic jams, the best way to commute is the bicycle, so, Master Fabian is the debate´s winner. That is all for today, thank you so much for your presence, see you later.

  7. Goodnight!
    Welcome everybody to today`s discussion. Today we will have a discussion about commuting, we will discuss: What is better for commute, live on campus or live at home? For that, we will have the presence of two university students.
    We have Andres that he will write about what life on campus is like. And on the other hand we have Minor, that he will write about what life at home is like.
    Let`s start, Andres, what is your opinion about the money you spend living on campus?

    1. I think that the money that people spend living in the campus, is more than commuters, because you have to pay the room, your food(because your mom is not gonna make you a lunch), and you’re far from home, so any thing that happens to you, you are gonna spend money necessarily.

  8. Minor, what is your opinion about the money you spend living at home?

    1. At home is opted as a main benefit, a low expenditure of money since the student does not represent a significant investment as if he would live in the campus. Also, in the house you can get closeness and it helps in the familiar relationships, that recently it has been a little torn.

  9. Oh, that’s good. Then, Andres, what do you think of the independence granted to you when you live on campus?

    1. A pro to live in the campus, is the Independence, because yo meet new people, live without your parents, you have to solve your own problems, and you get used to live alone.

  10. Minor, what do you think about independence when you live at home?

    1. The house also gets better closer and improves intra-family relationships that in the last years are seen a little torn
      As it implements a system of integral growth of family and students, as you move forward in your life and little by little you will gain the confidence to do what you want and will not take silly dejections that will resonate from one Bad way in life

  11. Finally, for both, what do you think about transportation?

    1. And the transportation, if you live in the campus, just need transport inside the campus, so you save the money of the gas, and can use it to other things. The transportation is just for when you go to your parents house.

  12. With respect to transportation it is clear that less time will be invested if you live on campus, as you will require less winners, but the reward is greater if you value the environment where the person is peeled and thus improves their performance, Just as the transfer times can be used as moments of leisure or reading

  13. Well, thank you both for your answers. In conclusion, we have to consider that living both at home and on campus has advantages and disadvantages and will depend on each person. So tonight we did not have a winner.
    Thanks for your attention, see you later.

  14. Attention please! We are going to discuss a topic about commuting, more specifically what are the pros and the disadvantages between commuting in a car and in a bus. Our two guests for today´s discussion are Oscar Lizano a construction engineering student and Kevin Coronado who is an industrial engineering student. To start with this discussion, we want Kevin to tell us why having a car is better than commuting in a bus.

    1. Having a car is a perk, because you have the possibility to go whenever you want, you don´t have to wait long times for the bus to come. You also get directly where you want to go, so you don´t have to walk.

  15. You are right Kevin, now Oscar please tell us why you consider using the public bus is a better option.

    1. To begin with, it is more economic and you save a lot of money, because buying a car is expensive in general, also you don´t have to pay for gas or maintenance of the vehicle, because the bus isn´t yours. Then you don´t have to drive, and you can use the travel time to rest or study

    2. That´s an interesting point Oscar, somedays people get very tired from college and having a time to rest is important. Kevin how can you support your point after Oscar’s opinion?

    3. Traveling by bus is very uncomfortable, because you may encounter many people in the bus and it is almost for sure that you won’t find an empty seat at rush hour. Also you never know who is going to get in, so your safety may get compromised.

    4. Those are really good positions; Oscar can you tell us what are some flaws of traveling in car?

    5. Of course. Nowadays everyone who just became 18 wants to buy a car, and that is a problem for the country. It affects the environment because of all the gases and contamination that vehicles produce. Instead, people could travel by bus and help nature by reducing air pollution. Car overpopulation also represents a problem to society because it affects the traffic’s fluency and people may get late to their destination.

    6. Kevin and Oscar, would you change car transportation for bus transportation? We are going to start with Kevin then Oscar.

    7. No, I prefer a car than a bus because I like more comfortable, it is a faster way of traveling and you don’t have to walk a lot, be with strangers nor having to smell fried chicken.

    8. - It isn’t bad to travel by car, but I prefer the bus. It is a cheaper way of commuting, you don’t stress driving and you can deal with all the traffic by resting and it that way, you will be helping your country and the planet.

  16. It has been a very interesting discussion, thank you for your cooperation. In conclusion having a car is more practical but you lose the perks of sleeping and studying while traveling, it also harms the environment, so it really depends on your necessities and your capability to be on public transportation.

  17. Good evening!
    Today we have a little difficult topic. As we know the university is a new stage of our lives, is a time for changes some things, so the question is: Should an universitary student live alone or with their parents?
    Derian says that is better live alone, but Bryan is completely disagree.
    Let's see their opinions.

    1. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

    2. With regard to the subject under discussion, my opinion is it is better live with the parents.
      A reason that in this way the student has access to different means that can get to facilitate your study process without having to make an extra financial expense to inconvenience your person well being like sharing room with another student. Otherwise in the university the student does not have all those services in even in most cases they must do everything on their own which involves having to take of their valuable time to do everything on their own.

    3. I agree to live without our parents because in the university we start a new life. When you live alone you have to care about yourself noone will make your food and clean your clothes. This is a new experience that we have to live and learn about the real world

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    5. I do not agree since being close to the family is timeshare that will never return.
      Parents become sick or die and the time that may have been shared with them is not taken advantage of.
      In addition, if you have the parents away and they get sick it is much more complicated to be able to move for economic expenses or time that could be taken advantage of in the study.

    6. That's a good point Derian. But what about felings?
      Sometimes we need someone to be with us.

    7. Yeah Yerlin is very important. But in U we turn stronger than before. if you can´t stay away from home maybe you can´t overcome your fears and in the future you might repent your desicion.

    8. And Bryan you know if something is going to happend it will happen and noone can know what the future holds. And if you know they are good you feel good. If you are with they you can´t prevent they become sick or die.

    9. Derian definitely keep my position.
      My opinion is that one must live the present because for me, tomorrow does not exist.
      Tomorrow maybe they will not be so I do not change the love that they can offer me being close to them.
      For me living with a stranger until uncomfortable can become.
      Share you this phrase.Hope you like it...
      "One always really returns to the place where he has possibly been happy,Where childhood passed adolescence, where dreams seem to be intact, but love is simple said the poet and simple things are devoured by time. I hope this is not always the case ..."(Mercedes Sosa).

    10. Me too I keep my position and i think i´ll never change it. But it´s good to discuss about and share our opinions

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  19. I understand your point, and I agree. We have how to life alone and the stage of the university is perfect to learn how to be independients.

  20. Welcome to the blog. Today we are going to discuss about commuting. What is better for commute, live on University campus or travel by car? To determine which is the best option we have two students invited to the blog. The engineer Carlos agrees to live in the campus, while the psychologist sebas agrees to travel by car. To start the discussion. Carlos, why do you think is better to live on campus?

    1. When you live on campus you can avoid commuting all the time. Every thing that you could need should be easily find it because around the campus most of the shops and stores offer products which you could used in your products or your life in the campus.

    2. Thanks, good answer Carlos. Sebas, what is your opinion about travel by car?

  21. many times to travel to places, the best option can be travel by car, becouse is more safety and confortable than walking, in a car you can relax and just drive, if it rains you'll be protected, this reason that make the car a good option.

    1. Carlos now Can you explain? What do you think about Sebas's comentary?

    2. Of course it is but nowdays if you try to use a car could be a stressfull thing. You can´t drive among the city, because there are many traffic jams everywhere.

    3. I think that traffic jams are a terrible headache everyone. Very tired.
      Sebas. Many people do not have money for buy a car. What do you think about it?

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    5. Is true but nowadays are many car prices accesible, maybe this persons can save money and then they will be able to buy a car, but if someone really can´t buy a car, they can use a public transportation or walk.

    6. For Both What is better option for commute and help the environment at the same time? We are going to start with Carlos then Sebas.

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    8. In my opinion, if you could use less gas you are helping the planet. I always recomend walk or ride a bike. By the way car is helpful if you share it and give to your friends rides!

    9. maybe, if you need to go to a near place,you can use a bicycle or walk but if you need travel a lot and you want to help the environment a electric car is pretty good for this

    10. Thank share our opinions to the blog. We have a very good answers. We have to take into account the preferences of each person it’s very important. Was a pleasure have discussion with boths. I hope we will have other discussion again.

      Everyone should use electric car for decrease the decrease.

  22. Hi people, today on the blog we're going to discuss an important topic for university students, which is the better option, commute to the university or live near to the campus?. To find and answer to this question we have two students of the TEC: Jooseth who defend live near to the university and Adriana who prefer commute. So we're going to start with this question: Jooseth why did you like to live near to TEC?

  23. Well firsts I think the price that you pay for living near to the TEC is cheaper compared to communiting costs. Then if you live in the campus it's easier to be on time to your classes, which is almost impossible when you travel since you have to endure the traffic.The time that you spend communiting can be use for study if you live on near to the TEC

  24. Good answer Jooseth, and what about Adriana, Why do you prefer commute?

  25. Good afternoon, well first i would like to clarify that the cost to be commute are Very similar than paying and apartment yo living close to it.
    Also when you live in your house you have to worry about doing the assigmments only that, you can concentrate on your studies when you are at home also you can always be close to your family.

    1. A strong argument, what have you to say? Jooseth

    2. I desagree, because being close to your family doesn't change the fact that it's dangerous to travel every day, not only because of a traffic accident but also you can be mugged. Also living near to the TEC helps to coordinate better with colleagues to do the assignments, you can also sleep more time and you usually tend to become more independent.

    3. I'm agree with Jooseth, What do you thing about the danger of travel?

    4. That's a risk we take every day, anywhere we can get mugged and in the worst of cases have an accident from the moment we enter a highway, going to TEC or anywhere. Traveling is not a disadvantage, it is only to commit ourselves to our responsibilities and to manage our time well.

    5. That's why I'm desagree with communiting. Cause if you live near to the TEC you will have more time for studying and also the fact that you won't have to worry about a car accident. Also you will have extra time for go out with friends and have some fun cause not everything is studying.


    6. Well, to close, I would like to say that living away does not mean that the
      students do not have time to Go out with friends or have some hoobys,
      Have fewer responsibilities at home, and can be with their family at all times. It's a matter of order.

    7. Well, with that we're going to finish the discussion, in my opinion I prefer living near to TEC, it sounds easy but travel have advantages in family terms. Thanks you for see the blog.
      See you later.

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  27. Welcome everybody. Today we are going to have a little discussion. We are going to judge the fact that if buying food is better than bring it from home. From one side is Geovanny that supports the idea of buying it and in the other side is David who supports the idea of bring it from home. Please Geovanny, explain your point of view.

  28. thank you Lisset and good night everybody. As you said, I think that buying the food at the university is better than bringing lunch. You can buy food in different places, such as an institutional restaurant. Buying the food is better because you don't have to carry the lunchbox all day long.

    1. Don't you think its a little expensive, Geovanny? David please explain me your point of view!

    2. Thank you and good night. Well Geovanny, I differ form you, I think is better bring lunch form home, because you don't need to make a 1 hour row to eat.

    3. If you're busy and you know you have no time for doing row, that's the best option. David, don't you think its boring eating the same things that are made in your house? A little chance its not bad!

  29. Yes, but that does not happens all the time. And sometimes, cooking and bringing lunch is more expensive, because you need to buy rice, beans, vegetable, meat.., etc. However, if you buy lunch at the university you have everything, only for less than 2500 colones, and the restaurants offer variety in menu.

  30. I don't thing so, You shoudn't cook the same everyday, for example, if one person of your family cooks, you don't have to eat the same everyday. And in the institutional restaurant we don't have many options to eat, everyday serve rice and beans

  31. the institutional restaurant it's not the unique place to eat, you can go to another place.

  32. Cook by yourself, youtube is full of easy and cheap's recipes to cook alone in your home.

  33. jaja youtube :D. Yeah but, buy the ingredients to prepare the foot is verry expensive

  34. No, actually is almost the same price, the ingredients it's cheaper than food of tec

  35. If you prepare the lunch at home, you lose time preparing it. and Finally Bringing lunch is less healthy, inasmuch as this food isn't fresh, also the food heated in the microwave loses the flavor.

  36. Well, both have strong ideas. But we can't be extremists, its ok to bring food from home and its ok to buy it in there. It will depend of the needs of each person. Thats why we can't conclude which its better.
    Thanks for your attention.

  37. Good night people
    It is a pleasure to be here today sharing with all of you and of course with these two gentlemen, At my right is sitting Daniel García who has a Doctor degree in Pedagogy and at my left is Junior Loza who has a Doctor degree in Philosophy.
    We are going to talk about the famous Bachillerato test that is applicated in the last year of the students in high school. So let's start Junior and Daniel, Do you agree or disagree with these tests and why?

    1. Goodnight everybody, I think these tests must be eliminated because they promote the exclusion of students and only evaluate the memory skills ignoring soft skills.

    2. Goodnight, I think that bachillerato exams are good, because they show what the students learn during high school. If the students don´t approve the exam is because they are not prepared to enter the university and must repeat the course. MEP applies those exams for something, sadly, we don’t the best educational system in the world, but they have to evaluate the future professionals of Costa Rica.

    3. Junior what do you think may be a good consequences about eliminate these exams? What will get better?

    4. I think these tests only evaluate the skills and not the attitudes, which are more important. If the exams get eliminated the people can enter technical programs like INA where the bachillerato is a requirement, also the bachillerato not has been regulated in the last years. We know that education is not the same in the whole country.If MEP wants to keep these tests must to get better the education that all we know this education is not of quality.

    5. Now you Daniel, what do you think may be a consequence? What will get worse?

    6. I think Junior is wrong because if the exams get eliminated, all the people can get graduated from high school, without taking care about the effort, winning a title that they not deserve. If MEP eliminate those exams, they are promoting vagrancy in student population, so I don't agree with that. The students have to put an extra effort to get a title with bachillerato exams, their work is to study.

    7. We have talking about pros and cons of these tests, the professionals already said their points of view. Now gentlemen what can you sum up from this debate.

    8. I conclude these test are only a professional and educational obstacle, and there are other ways to measure the person’s effort.

    9. I think you're right, MEP have to improve in education and not necessarily eliminate them, but they have to change the methods of evaluation to take care about soft skills, not only memoristic capacity as you say.

    10. Ok people to conclude I think both are a little right, now a days these tests only evaluate the memory skills ignoring soft skills and it is useless, how Albert Einstein said some day “everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live it’s whole life believing that it is a stupid”. These tests are the final evaluation of a bad education system, a deficient learning process. So the bachillerato tests are right in a way to evaluate if students has learned but they need a new format and the education system too.

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  40. Hi Pedro and Evelardo
    What do you think abaut bike stations?
    Do you like trains?
    Have you ever being un a gastar trainer?

    1. I (Pedro) think that in Costa Rica the bike stations are not save. I went in a train only one time, but usualy it's very busy.

    2. 1- it's a good idea for the coutry.
      2- yes, i like
      3- no

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  42. Hi Bryan.
    1- How do you commute?
    2- What do you think that is the best way to commute?
    3- What do you think that is the most common way to commute?

    1. Hi Tayron!
      1- I travel by bus and car.
      2- For me the best way to communicate is by car, since it is an easy and fast way to travel
      3- The most common way to travel is to do it by bus.

  43. Álvaro Pizarro
    How do you usually commute to school?
    How long does your commute take?
    What do you like about your commute?

    1. I usually come by bus.
      Like 2 hours come and go
      I can sleep while i come

    2. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  44. Hi Sofía O

    what is the best transport?

    How long is the subway half day to get to the center?

    How fast is, the bus or the subway?

  45. Hi María del Mar.
    Do you drive a car or prefer walking for go to the TEC?
    What kind of transport do you prefer for a long trip?
    Do you think is better to use the bus for the enviroment?

    1. 1. I prefer to walk,more calm and exercise
      2. The car or the train if you can
      3.Yes, I think public transport must improve a lot to give a better service so we all use more and we eliminate the dams and decrease the carbon footprint

  46. Hello Fabián and Evelardo;
    Do you think that in Costa Rica we need more or less bicycle path?
    Wich conveyance do you prefer?
    Do you think that the price of buses are rigth?

    1. 1_I think we need More
      2_The Car
      3_No I think the price of the tickets Is expnsive

    2. 1-is necessary to have more bicycles.
      2-i prefer the motorcycle.
      3- it's ok.

  47. Hi Tayron.
    1-¿ What do you think about public transportation in Costa Rica?
    2- ¿ Which means of transport do you use frequently?
    3- ¿Do you think that people should travel by bicycle to take care of the environment?

    1. 1-I think that there is a lot of people how travel by public transport but the quality is too bad, it's so difficult to find a good public transport.
      2- I usually walk but when I have to go somewhere far I take a bus.
      3- People should better travel by bicycle and use cars only if the should go far.

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  49. Hi Adrian, can I ask you some questions, where do you live? If you leave far away from your work or the place that you study, would you like leave closer than you leave now? And for the last one, are you agree with create more possibilities for moving to one place and other like, a polling car, or and internal mini bus inside the campus?

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  51. Hi Yazmín,
    1-What kind of transport do you think is the best?
    2-Why do you come at the U walking?
    3-Would you like to use another form of transport?

    1. Hi Erick!
      1 - I think the best is the bicycle
      2- Because is very near to the university
      3 - Yes i want a bicycle

  52. Hi Adrian, can I ask you some questions, where do you live? If you leave far away from your work or the place that you study, would you like leave closer than you leave now? And for the last one, are you agree with create more possibilities for moving to one place and other like, a polling car, or and internal mini bus inside the campus?

    1. Hello Edwin!
      I don't like yo reveal where i live.
      1- i live near to the TEC and I'm satisfied where I live.
      2- i agree to create this posibilities for moving, But I prefer to use the bike to go to TEC

  53. Hi, Sebastián Thalmann, what commuting form do you prefer in Costa Rica?
    Have you sometime took a metro? and is this secure?

    1. I prefer to travel by car. because the means of collective transport sometimes has many problems, although I know that it is the most effective way to travel. yes I have used a subway, I think it is a super effective and modern transport system

  54. Daniel<3
    How you come to TEC everday?
    How long takes you to come?
    Did you like your way to come?

    1. I take a bus to go to the TEC
      Between 30 minutes and 1 hour
      Yes, because I can study while I come

  55. Hello Sofía Méndez.
    What kind of transportation do you usually use in your day-to-day life?
    Why do you prefer this transport?
    How much money do you spend on your transportation?

    1. I take the train to go to the University, I take the train twice a day.
      I like the train because the public transportation reduces the trafic.
      I spend 2000 colones roundtrip. So I think the train is very cheap in our country.

    2. Hi Juan i have 3 questions about commuting too.
      How much money do you spend on commute to University?
      What do you think about zero emissions transport?
      Do you think public transport is important to reduce traffic?

    3. I do not spend money to transport myself to the university because I live very close to her.
      I think that zero-emission transport is something very important and interesting that should be used around the world to reduce pollution.
      Yes, because that way more people would be transported at the same time and there would be fewer vehicles on the road.

  56. Hi Nicole V!
    •How long does it take to get to the university?
    •How much distance is there from your home to the university?
    •What is your means of transportation to go to university?

    1. Hi Kevin!
      I have 3 questions about commuting too.
      - What do you think of people traveling alone in a car?
      - Traveling by bus has many benefits, it is cheap and better for the environment. But what are the disadvantages?
      and the last question is.
      - When are you going to travel to a long place, what do you do? and when is the trip short?


    2. Here is my answer to your questions, dear friend!
      • How long does it take to get to the university?
      I do not last long, because I live in TEC residences. I think that they are maximum 10 minutes coming to the classroom.
      • How much distance is there from your home to the university?
      I live in the University, so to speak.
      • What is your means of transportation to go to college?
      My legs only, sometimes it's tired because the stairs are not my strong

    3. I think they do some damage to the environment since fewer people travel by car, more cars will be there.
      It is better since the trip is collective, however it lasts longer.
      Whether it's a long trip or a short trip, I prefer to go by bus.

  57. Hey José Gabriel, where do you live?
    you travel every day to come to classes ??
    what mean of transport do you use ??
    what time do you have to leave your house???

    1. Hi, I'm from Esparza but I live in Cartago(near of Walmart), I do not need to take any means of transportation to come to the U, I come walking and I have to go missing 15 min

  58. Hello Paul Ramos, I have 3 question for you.
    Which means of transportation do you use to go to the University?, Do you like use this transportation? And What do you think is the best transportation to go to the University?

    1. I often walk to the University, but sometimes a take a taxi. Not at all, it gets me tired. I think the car is the best one.

  59. Hi Pedro and Fabián! I'm Evelardo.
    For both:
    1- what means of transport are there in your city?
    2- what is your favorite means of transport?
    3- which means of transport is the most efficient?

    1. 1_Cars and bikes

    2. 3- I prefer to walk but in long rods I think that the bus is the winner.

  60. Hello Edwin Nájera!
    Do you like the place where your apartment is located?
    Would you like to live closer to TEC, yes or No, why?
    How many facilities do you have when living in the place where your apartment is located?

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  62. Hi Ian, I need to ask you some question

    1. In your case, what are the most usually kind of transport that you take? Is the public transport eficient for you? In your opinion, how do you improve the transport? Give me an idea

    2. I usually use the bus. Yes, for me is efficient. We most use the public transport.

  63. Hi Sofía O

    what is the best way to get to the university?

    How long is the subway half day to get to the center?

    How fast is, the bus or the subway?

    1. Hi
      1)I think that the best way to get to the university is by bus because it is more cheap for the prudentes and it will create less contamination.
      2)It depends, maybe an hour.
      3)I think that the subway because there is a lot of traffic daily.

  64. Hello Edwin Nájera!
    Do you like the place where your apartment is located?
    Would you like to live closer to TEC, yes or No, why?
    How many facilities do you have when living in the place where your apartment is located?

    1. Yes I like a lot because I have many services close,no I don't like live close to Tec, because probably I sleep more than usually in the mornings, like I wrote a lot, for that kind of things I don't change my place of resident's.

  65. Hi Diego,I am Maria Del Mar
    1. Are you satisfied with the transportation provided by the TEC?
    2. Do you belive that the bike path is a good solution to road traffic?
    3.Think you should encourage more use to the bike?

    1. Hi
      1- Yes, i think that works for all the people who come from San Jose or Cartago but if you are from Heredia, Alajuela or more far it is complicated
      2- Yes, it would help for Cartago or San Jose because there is a lot of cars
      3- The municipality should help to the students from universities and high schools to use more the bikes and help the enviroment

  66. Hello Ixel Castro!!
    - What is the transport that you prefer?
    -Do you usually use the public transport?
    -What do you thing about the transport in TEC?

    1. I prefer to travel in car. I usually travel in bus and I enjoy it. I think the transport in TEC is good, everyone has access to it and it isn´t expensive.

  67. Hi Fernanda Reyes! I hope you are fine. Si I have some questios about commuting. So first, What is your favorite way to get to the University? What is the most that you dislike? And when you commute, you go with someone?

    1. Hi, I fine thanks you. My favorite way is bus, I dislike when I have to go standing up and no, I go alone

  68. Hi Erick!
    1- ¿Do you think the bicycle is the best transportation for you?
    2- ¿How Many kilometers you walk everyday?
    3- Tell me one solution to improve the trafic in Cartago?

    1. Hi Yazmín!
      1-for me it is the best form of transport, because it is good for the enviroment and faster than walk
      2-Almost 3 km
      3-We have to reduce the number of cars in the streets

  69. Eder, I will do three questions.
    1.How do you come to tec everyday?
    2.Normally you use the car or public transport in city?
    3.What mean of transport you frequently use?

    1. 1- I usually go in bus to Tec everyday.
      2- I always use the public transport.
      3- It means that is so important to the society

  70. Hi, Fabian Ceciliano, I´m Ixel Castro.
    I would like to know how do you commute to the university?
    How far do you travel and how long does it take you? Is it cheap?

    1. Hi Ixel
      I usually use the bus because it's cheap
      I travel soo much, it take around the one hour and the price is good

  71. Hi Juan Manuel. My name is Sofia Obando. Please answer these questions:
    1) Do you prefer the bus or a bicycle?
    2) What do you think about public transportation?
    3) Do you think that public transportation is efficient?

  72. Hi Sofía

    1 i prefer a Nike
    2 is a little bad, but is functional
    3 not as it should be, but everything must improve

  73. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  74. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  75. Hi Franz, I am Noelia. These are my questions
    1. How do you usually commute to TEC?
    2. For you what is the best way of commuting?
    3. Which are some good things of it?

  76. Hi Alfonso. My name is Donald Castillo.
    Please answer these questions:

    A) How do you commute to the university?
    B) What do you prefer to use the bus or car?
    C) How often does the train use to commute?

  77. Hi kim!
    Do you think the traffic lights are useful in the community?
    How many times in the week you use them?
    What do you think about people that don't respect them?

  78. Hi Alejandro Delgado
    I am Juan José Cascante and I have a some questions:
    Do you travel by car to the university?
    How long is your trip to the university?
    When you take a long trip, do you prefer to travel by bus or car?

  79. Hi Angelica
    1-What way is the cheapest to travel long distances on your country?

    2-Which way do prefer to commut(train, walking, bike, etc..) and why?

    3-How often do you conmute vía walking to your work/school?

  80. Hi José Daniel,

    1. What do you think about traveling by bicycle to the University?
    2. What means of transportation do you use to travel to the University?
    3. Do you prefer to travel by bus or car? and why?

  81. Hi my name is joel!I am going to ask you 3 questions:
    -Do you prefer Uber or taxi
    -Do you like the means of transport you use to get around?
    -Do you like your means of transport?

  82. Hi Dayana.. I’m Alejandro.
    How do you usually commute to TEC?
    How long does your commute?
    What do you dislike about your commute?

  83. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  84. Hello! I am Andres. I have 3 questios for you Joel.
    1) Who long does it take ypu to get to the Tec from your house?
    2) Which kimd 9f transport do ypu use?
    3) Would.ypu like to travel in motorcycle?

    1. Hi andres!
      1)I take 1 hour to go to the University
      2)I take the bus
      3)No, i dont like it

  85. Hizo Alejandro, I am Dayana
    How do you travel to the TEC?
    What is your favorite form of transportation?
    How long it takes to get to the TEC?

    1. Hi Dayana
      I walk to Tec
      My favorite way to transportation is the car
      It’s take me 5min


  86. Hi Noelia, I am Franz, these are my questions:
    Which way is the better to commute hear in Cartago to San José?
    Which isa a bad thing when commute in car?
    If I want eat breakfast in the travel, what i must chose? Bus or train?

  87. Hi Anthony Hernández, I am Alexander Coto Rodríguez
    -Do you prefer taxi or uber?
    -Have you traveled to the Tec by bicycle?
    -Do yo travel a lot by bus?

  88. Hi Hillary Ortega! I'm Kimberly Fernández. The three questions are:
    What do you think about commuting by subway?
    What do you like more about commute?
    What is the best way to commute for you?
